Any recommendation for openwrt-router, including high speed modem (cat 16), certified for usage on Verizon in the USA ?
Please connect to your OpenWrt device using ssh and copy the output of the following commands and post it here using the "Preformatted text </>
" button:
Remember to redact passwords, MAC addresses and any public IP addresses you may have:
ubus call system board
cat /etc/config/network
cat /etc/config/wireless
cat /etc/config/dhcp
cat /etc/config/firewall
you need to reread the post
Should i suggest google terms to find verizon's certified module list and not VirtuoZZo container platform?
Kinda wrong place to ask for either.
yeah, those aren't going to be openwrt devices, but OP won't have anything to run all those diag commands on, in the 1st place
how did you manage to dig up a 2.5 mo old post, anyway ?
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