Hi Guys,
i am pretty new to networking in general but at work i have been assigned to prepare a RP4 that is supposed to function as a Router for our vlans and also as connection to a separate 'secondary 'Network that is supposed to provide our 'primary' network with an internet connection if needed.
The Raspberry has to connect to a WAP in the 'secondary' network using the wireless radio of the RP meaning that it has to forward the traffic from the wireless Interface to the ethernet port.
(Wireless AP in sec. Network => Raspberry WiFi Interface => Ethernet Attached Devices)
Seeing as i am not sure how I would do that, I would like to ask you guys for some support.
I have never before worked with OpenWrt or done anything major in a Linux environment, just want to give you a heads up. I will be thankful for whatever help i can get!
small network plan of how things are supposed to look in case clarification is needed!