Could you please help me to randomize MAC for phy1-sta0 interface ?
I know it can be changed by adding the macaddr to the /etc/config/wireless, but how I can make it randomized on start up ?
Usually I use this commands in terminal
ifconfig phy1-sta0 down
macchanger -r phy1-sta0
ifconfig phy1-sta0 up
Also it works for any interfaces on the boot, except this wwan.
Could you please advice how to change it in the right way ?
There's so many threads, no need to post them all.
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How can I change MAC or SSID in wireless.default_radio0 before it apears ?
If I change SSID in rc.local I see previous SSID and it takes some time before change to a new one.
But if I use this script before "network" starts, it has no effect.
uci set wireless.default_radio0.ssid="TEST"
uci commit wireless
First disable the interface and save the changes.
uci set wireless.default_radio0.disabled='1'
uci commit wireless
Then in /etc/rc.local
(don't use uci commit
uci set wireless.default_radio0.ssid="TEST"
uci set wireless.default_radio0.disabled='0'
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