This was very useful to me, and I realize that you want to keep it as short as possible. However, I think it would be very helpful for most users if it was added how to check out a specific release tag. It's only two lines that need to be added between the cd lede and the scripts: git tag
to get a list of the tag names, and then git checkout <tag name>
this would be an improvement, but also would make the instructions more complex.
What about creating successive sites with more complex/annotated versions of the howto?
Some way so that we can keep a minimal howto and make it possible that people can deepen their knowledge and deal with more custom setups.
I'm not sure how this would look like, but I like to encourage you to keep a minimal version.
Aside from that, feel welcome to improve the site.
On the other hand, you could remove the warning about development branch which would shorten it by about the same amount of text. Another thing, make defconfig is redundant. make menuconfig will do it if it hasn't been done.
Feel free to change the site if you agree.
Imho, teaching about git tag is not necessary for compiling lede.
But maybe we can add that to the list notes below.
I think I'll try go write a beginners step by step guide to building that will also include things like setting up a Virtualbox server for Windows users. I can include the extra git commands there, and then link to guides like yours where it's relevant.
yeah @Per i noticed the same thing, so with the menuconfig after updating and installing feeds, then selecting a target, does it automatically configure kernel based modules and firmware for the specific target? if so, that with just packages would make things a bit more simplified, wish i could help!! then maybe place other options in developer menu, i understand its all WIP as they say in dd-wrt