[Quick Guide] IPv6 setup behind ISP router

Hi all!

I had fun trying to figure out why IPv6 wasn't working, and didn't have much luck finding a solution in one place, so I thought of sharing my findings.

So the network setup is [ISP Router]---DHCP---[Openwrt BPI-R4]
For reference the ISP Router is the Salt Fibre Box X6 (Swiss Provider) but it should work for all similar XPON routers with CGNAT providers (which makes IPv6 a necessity).

So here we go:
Interfaces > lan > DHCP Server > IPv6 Settings

Interfaces > wan6 > DHCP Server > General Setup

Enable DHCP server but click on ignore this interface - we only need the IPv6 settings.

Interfaces > wan6 > DHCP Server > IPv6 Settings

The picture should look the same as with the lan, BUT also tick the "Designated Master" at the very top. (I will add a screenshot once I'm not a new member and are allowed too :smiley: )

After you apply all changes and refresh your DHCP clients you should get IPv6 prefixes directly from the ISP Router. In my case SLAAC is working only.

I hope that helps someone in the same situation!

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