Qosify: new package for DSCP marking + cake

Oh alright thank you! Since I've had never put any folder/file in that root dir, I was in doubt lol

Mmmh, that is a common assessment that at higher access rates bufferbloat is less of an issue (which patly is true) but even under these conditions having an fq scheduler without a traffic shaper can help better mixing traffic sources... better.
BTW, many docsis/cable ISPs 'over provision' their links so a nominal 1000Mbps link might deliver up to 1100 Mbps speedtest throughput and not just gross rate like in ethernet (while many modems still only have gigabit ethernet customer-facing ports). The upshot of this is, that the modem now houses the transition from >1000 to =1000 Mbps gross rate and hence might experience bufferbloat...

Unfortunatelly only a few common routers pack enough punch to reliably traffic shape at ~Gigabit-rates, so the realistic options (short of buying more powerful hardware) often boil down to:
a) Accept a massive rate sacrifice and enable traffic shaping and AQM oin both directions*
b) weigh the risks an peobabilities and only employ a shaper in the slower direction (assuming an asymmetric access link).

*) For almost a year I was traffic shaping my nominal 100/40 ling down to 49/35 as that was the aggregate maximum my old wndr3700v2 running @hnyman's great community built could muster. For my use cases that resulted in a more usable link than leaving the downlink at 100 withput shaper. But that is obviously a decision each network will need to make individually. Just because that was my trade off does not mean it is the only decent option. Since replaced the wndr3700v2 with a turris omnia which allows traffic shaping up to ~550/550 Mbps (side note: I test shaping performance with symmetric bidirectional saturating traffic to test the worst case scenario, so these 550/550 might also allow shaping at 1000/50)

1 Like

Make sure you check your HTB/fq_codel script to make sure you set DSCPsvthe script actually expects. We never bothered to implement close copies of diffserv3 and diffserv4 in simple.qos, where the three priority tiers collect different sets of DSCPs than in cake.

1 Like

That can actually be a valid configuration, e.g. if your uplink allows 1000Mbps, then pure fq_codel on top of an ethernet inferface with byte queue limits (BQL) will already do the right thing.

I realize that a 1000Mbps uplink is not the reality where most of us live in yet... :wink:

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Okay I've a really good news to share with you all :smiley:
So I'm using Raspberry Pi4 and have 10 MBPS internet plan, fiber connection. But sometimes I get 96 MBPS on google services like YoutTube, drive and even some sites like Amazon. I can't apply cake SQM like the old days without getting a bit lag in hitreg/ browsing/streaming.
Well today this is changed. Yesterday I installed snapshot with Qosify + DSCP tags with the help of my friend. Also included CAKE /w Adaptive Bandwidth script. Now I'm getting mind blowing speed with really "impressive" hitreg under bulk download with no ping fluctuation.
9-10 devices were connected most of them were streaming netflix/youtube. Started downloading a file on IDM on PC with 2 max connections started browsing sites and everything is "instant", pages don't even take more than two seconds to load completely. This setup took SQM to whole new level. At the same time I started playing Call of duty in busy server hours. Joined ranked and the whole gameplay was superb. I was never this impress in last one year. I'm thankful for all your help and dedication. I'll share my scripts here:

config defaults
	list defaults /etc/qosify/*.conf
	option dscp_icmp +besteffort
	option dscp_default_tcp default_class
	option dscp_default_udp default_class

config class default_class
	option ingress CS1
	option egress CS1
	option prio_max_avg_pkt_len 1270
	option dscp_prio CS4
	option bulk_trigger_pps 600
	option bulk_trigger_timeout 10
	option dscp_bulk CS1

config class browsing
	option ingress CS0
	option egress CS0
	option prio_max_avg_pkt_len 575
	option dscp_prio AF41
	option bulk_trigger_pps 400
	option bulk_trigger_timeout 10
	option dscp_bulk CS1

config class bulk
	option ingress CS1
	option egress CS1

config class besteffort
	option ingress CS0
	option egress CS0

config class network_services
	option ingress CS2
	option egress CS2

config class broadcast_video
	option ingress CS3
	option egress CS3

config class gaming
	option ingress CS4
	option egress CS4

config class multimedia_conferencing
	option ingress AF42
	option egress AF42
	option prio_max_avg_pkt_len 575
	option dscp_prio AF41

config class telephony
	option ingress EF
	option egress EF

config interface wan
	option name wan
	option disabled 0
	option bandwidth_up 10mbit
	option bandwidth_down 10mbit
	option overhead_type none
	# defaults:
	option ingress 1
	option egress 1
	option mode diffserv4
	option nat 1
	option host_isolate 1
	option autorate_ingress 0
	option ingress_options ""
	option egress_options ""
	option options ""

config device wandev
	option disabled 1
	option name wan
	option bandwidth 100mbit


tcp:22		network_services

udp:123		network_services

tcp:53		network_services
tcp:5353	network_services
udp:53		network_services
udp:5353	network_services

# DNS over TLS (DoT)
tcp:853		multimedia_conferencing
udp:853		multimedia_conferencing

tcp:80		browsing
tcp:443		browsing
udp:80		browsing
udp:443		browsing

# Microsoft (Download)
dns:*1drv*			bulk
dns:*backblaze*			bulk
dns:*backblazeb2*		bulk
dns:*ms-acdc.office*		bulk
dns:*onedrive*			bulk
dns:*sharepoint*		bulk
dns:*update.microsoft*		bulk
dns:*windowsupdate*		bulk

# MEGA (Download)
dns:*mega*			bulk

# Dropbox (Download)
dns:*dropboxusercontent*	bulk

# Google (Download)
dns:*drive.google*		bulk
dns:*googleusercontent*		bulk

# Steam (Download)
dns:*steamcontent*		bulk

# Epic Games (Download)
dns:*download.epicgames*	bulk
dns:*download2.epicgames*	bulk
dns:*download3.epicgames*	bulk
dns:*download4.epicgames*	bulk
dns:*epicgames-download1*	bulk

# YouTube
dns:*googlevideo*	besteffort

# Facebook
dns:*fbcdn*		besteffort

# Twitch
dns:*ttvnw*		besteffort

# TikTok
dns:*tiktok*		besteffort

# Netflix
dns:*nflxvideo*		besteffort

# Amazon Prime Video
dns:*aiv-cdn*		besteffort
dns:*aiv-delivery*	besteffort
dns:*pv-cdn*		besteffort

# Disney Plus
dns:*disney*		besteffort
dns:*dssott*		besteffort

dns:*hbo*		besteffort
dns:*hbomaxcdn*		besteffort

# BitTorrent
tcp:6881-7000		bulk
tcp:51413		bulk
udp:6771		bulk
udp:6881-7000		bulk
udp:51413		bulk

# Usenet
tcp:119			bulk
tcp:563			bulk

# Live Streaming to YouTube Live, Twitch, Vimeo and LinkedIn Live
tcp:1935-1936		broadcast_video
tcp:2396		broadcast_video
tcp:2935		broadcast_video

# Xbox
tcp:3074		gaming
udp:88			gaming
#udp:500		gaming # UDP port already used in "VoWiFi" rules
udp:3074		gaming
udp:3544		gaming
#udp:4500		gaming # UDP port already used in "VoWiFi" rules

# PlayStation
tcp:3478-3480		gaming
#udp:3478-3479		gaming # UDP ports already used in "Zoom" rules

# Call of Duty
#tcp:3074		gaming # TCP port already used in "Xbox" rules
tcp:3075-3076		gaming
#udp:3074		gaming # UDP port already used in "Xbox" rules
udp:3075-3079		gaming
udp:7500-7700                gaming
udp:3658		gaming

tcp:3659		gaming
udp:3659		gaming

# Minecraft
tcp:25565		gaming
udp:19132-19133		gaming
udp:25565		gaming

# Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype and FaceTime (they use these same ports)
udp:3478-3497		multimedia_conferencing

# Zoom
dns:*zoom*		multimedia_conferencing
tcp:8801-8802		multimedia_conferencing
udp:8801-8810		multimedia_conferencing

# Skype
dns:*skype*		multimedia_conferencing

# FaceTime
udp:16384-16387		multimedia_conferencing
udp:16393-16402		multimedia_conferencing

# GoToMeeting
udp:1853		multimedia_conferencing
udp:8200		multimedia_conferencing

# Webex Meeting
tcp:5004		multimedia_conferencing
udp:9000		multimedia_conferencing

# Jitsi Meet
tcp:5349		multimedia_conferencing
udp:10000		multimedia_conferencing

# Google Meet
udp:19302-19309		multimedia_conferencing

# TeamViewer
tcp:5938		multimedia_conferencing
udp:5938		multimedia_conferencing

# Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
tcp:5060-5061		telephony
udp:5060-5061		telephony

# Voice over WiFi or WiFi Calling (VoWiFi)
udp:500			telephony
udp:4500		telephony



# automatically adjust bandwidth for CAKE in dependence on detected load and RTT

# inspired by @moeller0 (OpenWrt forum)
# initial sh implementation by @Lynx (OpenWrt forum)
# requires packages: iputils-ping, coreutils-date and coreutils-sleep


enable_verbose_output=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) output monitoring lines showing bandwidth changes

ul_if=pppoe-wan # upload interface
dl_if=ifb-pppoe-wan # download interface

max_ul_rate=88000 # maximum bandwidth for upload
min_ul_rate=9800 # minimum bandwidth for upload

max_dl_rate=88000 # maximum bandwidth for download
min_dl_rate=9800 # minimum bandwidth for download

tick_duration=1 # seconds to wait between ticks

alpha_RTT_increase=0.001 # how rapidly baseline RTT is allowed to increase
alpha_RTT_decrease=0.9 # how rapidly baseline RTT is allowed to decrease

rate_adjust_RTT_spike=0.05 # how rapidly to reduce bandwidth upon detection of bufferbloat
rate_adjust_load_high=0.005 # how rapidly to increase bandwidth upon high load detected
rate_adjust_load_low=0.0025 # how rapidly to decrease bandwidth upon low load detected

load_thresh=0.5 # % of currently set bandwidth for detecting high load

max_delta_RTT=3 # increase from baseline RTT for detection of bufferbloat

# verify these are correct using 'cat /sys/class/...'
case "${dl_if}" in

case "${ul_if}" in

if [ "$debug" ] ; then
    echo "rx_bytes_path: $rx_bytes_path"
    echo "tx_bytes_path: $tx_bytes_path"

# list of reflectors to use
read -d '' reflectors << EOF


# get minimum RTT across entire set of reflectors
get_RTT() {

for reflector in $reflectors;
        echo $(/usr/bin/ping -i 0.00 -c 10 $reflector | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d '/' -f 1) >> $RTTs&
RTT=$(echo $(cat $RTTs) | awk 'min=="" || $1 < min {min=$1} END {print min}')
> $RTTs

call_awk() {
  printf '%s' "$(awk 'BEGIN {print '"${1}"'}')"

get_next_shaper_rate() {
    local cur_delta_RTT
    local cur_max_delta_RTT
    local cur_rate
    local cur_rate_adjust_RTT_spike
    local cur_max_rate
    local cur_min_rate
    local cur_load
    local cur_load_thresh
    local cur_rate_adjust_load_high
    local cur_rate_adjust_load_low
    local next_rate

	# in case of supra-threshold RTT spikes decrease the rate unconditionally
	if awk "BEGIN {exit !($cur_delta_RTT >= $cur_max_delta_RTT)}"; then
	    next_rate=$( call_awk "int(${cur_rate} - ${cur_rate_adjust_RTT_spike} * (${cur_max_rate} - ${cur_min_rate}) )" )
	    # ... otherwise take the current load into account
	    # high load, so we would like to increase the rate
	    if awk "BEGIN {exit !($cur_load >= $cur_load_thresh)}"; then
                next_rate=$( call_awk "int(${cur_rate} + ${cur_rate_adjust_load_high} * (${cur_max_rate} - ${cur_min_rate}) )" )
	        # low load gently decrease the rate again
		        next_rate=$( call_awk "int(${cur_rate} - ${cur_rate_adjust_load_low} * (${cur_max_rate} - ${cur_min_rate}) )" )

	# make sure to only return rates between cur_min_rate and cur_max_rate
        if awk "BEGIN {exit !($next_rate < $cur_min_rate)}"; then

        if awk "BEGIN {exit !($next_rate > $cur_max_rate)}"; then
        echo "${next_rate}"

# update download and upload rates for CAKE
function update_rates {
        cur_rx_bytes=$(cat $rx_bytes_path)
        cur_tx_bytes=$(cat $tx_bytes_path)
        t_cur_bytes=$(date +%s.%N)
        rx_load=$( call_awk "(8/1000)*(${cur_rx_bytes} - ${prev_rx_bytes}) / (${t_cur_bytes} - ${t_prev_bytes}) * (1/${cur_dl_rate}) " )
   	tx_load=$( call_awk "(8/1000)*(${cur_tx_bytes} - ${prev_tx_bytes}) / (${t_cur_bytes} - ${t_prev_bytes}) * (1/${cur_ul_rate}) " )


	# calculate the next rate for dl and ul
	cur_dl_rate=$( get_next_shaper_rate "$delta_RTT" "$max_delta_RTT" "$cur_dl_rate" "$rate_adjust_RTT_spike" "$max_dl_rate" "$min_dl_rate" "$rx_load" "$load_thresh" "$rate_adjust_load_high" "$rate_adjust_load_low" )
	cur_ul_rate=$( get_next_shaper_rate "$delta_RTT" "$max_delta_RTT" "$cur_ul_rate" "$rate_adjust_RTT_spike" "$max_ul_rate" "$min_ul_rate" "$tx_load" "$load_thresh" "$rate_adjust_load_high" "$rate_adjust_load_low" )

        if [ $enable_verbose_output -eq 1 ]; then
                printf "%s;%14.2f;%14.2f;%14.2f;%14.2f;%14.2f;%14.2f;%14.2f;\n" $( date "+%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%N" ) $rx_load $tx_load $baseline_RTT $RTT $delta_RTT $cur_dl_rate $cur_ul_rate

get_baseline_RTT() {
    local cur_RTT
    local cur_delta_RTT
    local last_baseline_RTT
    local cur_alpha_RTT_increase
    local cur_alpha_RTT_decrease
    local cur_baseline_RTT
        if awk "BEGIN {exit !($cur_delta_RTT >= 0)}"; then
		cur_baseline_RTT=$( call_awk "( 1 - ${cur_alpha_RTT_increase} ) * ${last_baseline_RTT} + ${cur_alpha_RTT_increase} * ${cur_RTT} " )
		cur_baseline_RTT=$( call_awk "( 1 - ${cur_alpha_RTT_decrease} ) * ${last_baseline_RTT} + ${cur_alpha_RTT_decrease} * ${cur_RTT} " )
    echo "${cur_baseline_RTT}"

# set initial values for first run



# set the next different from the cur_XX_rates so that on the first round we are guaranteed to call tc

t_prev_bytes=$(date +%s.%N)

prev_rx_bytes=$(cat $rx_bytes_path)
prev_tx_bytes=$(cat $tx_bytes_path)

if [ $enable_verbose_output -eq 1 ]; then
        printf "%25s;%14s;%14s;%14s;%14s;%14s;%14s;%14s;\n" "log_time" "rx_load" "tx_load" "baseline_RTT" "RTT" "delta_RTT" "cur_dl_rate" "cur_ul_rate"

# main loop runs every tick_duration seconds
while true
        t_start=$(date +%s.%N)
	delta_RTT=$( call_awk "${RTT} - ${baseline_RTT}" )
	baseline_RTT=$( get_baseline_RTT "$RTT" "$delta_RTT" "$baseline_RTT" "$alpha_RTT_increase" "$alpha_RTT_decrease" )

	# only fire up tc if there are rates to change...
        if [ "$last_dl_rate" -ne "$cur_dl_rate" ] ; then
    	    #echo "tc qdisc change root dev ${dl_if} cake bandwidth ${cur_dl_rate}Kbit"
    	    tc qdisc change root dev ${dl_if} cake bandwidth ${cur_dl_rate}Kbit
        if [ "$last_ul_rate" -ne "$cur_ul_rate" ] ; then
    	    #echo "tc qdisc change root dev ${ul_if} cake bandwidth ${cur_ul_rate}Kbit"
    	    tc qdisc change root dev ${ul_if} cake bandwidth ${cur_ul_rate}Kbit
        # remember the last rates

        t_end=$(date +%s.%N)
	sleep_duration=$( call_awk "${tick_duration} - ${t_end} + ${t_start}" )
        if awk "BEGIN {exit !($sleep_duration > 0)}"; then
                sleep $sleep_duration

Yes I know the whole setup isn't perfect there might be mistakes but this is just one day test and I'm happy with it. Also any of you guys want to correct the above scripts or ask questions you are welcome

Edit: removed overhead values since I don't see any difference. Removed "+" from browsing rules. Here is my bufferbloat test:


Be aware that the next build of qosify implements the backend support for autorate-ingress which was enabled by default in the original config file, but was not used when setting up cake.

If you don’t want autorate-ingress enabled , go ahead and disable it now.

uci set qosify.wan.autorate_ingress=0
uci commit

I have a problem, I have something very simple with a config for Google Stadia with CS0 and anything eles that isn't listed gets Bulk.

Cant keep Google Stadia with CS4 because i stutters as this needs more then 15Mbits!

Thanks for this @elan but i never seen Stadia use more then port 44700 via UDP but playing on a NVIDIA Shield Pro (2019) maybe users will find that Chrome will use higher ports.

config defaults
	list defaults /etc/qosify/*.conf
	option dscp_icmp +Premium
	option dscp_default_tcp Bulk
	option dscp_default_udp Bulk

config class Premium
	option ingress CS0
	option egress CS0

config class Bulk
	option ingress LE
	option egress LE

config interface wan
	option name wan
	option disabled 0
	option bandwidth_down 60mbit
	option bandwidth_up 17mbit
	option overhead_type pppoe-ptm
	# defaults:
	option ingress 1
	option egress 1
	option mode diffserv4
	option nat 1
	option host_isolate 1
	option autorate_ingress 0
	option ingress_options ""
	option egress_options "wash"
	option options "ether-vlan"

config device wandev
	option disabled 1
	option name wan
	option bandwidth 100mbit


#Google Stadia
udp:44700	Premium

The problem is, I am seeing traffic hitting Voice even though it should only be Best Effort (CS0) and Bulk (LE)

How do you know it isn’t ICMP traffic since it has a + sign before the Premium? Perhaps that icmp traffic is already marked with a non-CS0 DSCP, so it doesn’t get remarked as Premium. Just a guess.

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Hmm, Wouldn't

option dscp_icmp +Premium

Put ICMP into CS0 ?

@moeller0 Few ISPs in UK do 1Gbps-3Gbps both ways, Hyperoptic (1G Max) ZoOom (2Gbps) Community Fibre (3Gbps Max) all FTTH connections and only Cable/DOCSIS provider Virgin Media but they just 1G download and not the other way around.

1 Like

Only if it arrives at the router as CS0. Remove the + to set icmp as Premium regardless of original DSCP.

config defaults
	list defaults /etc/qosify/*.conf
	option dscp_icmp Premium
	option dscp_default_tcp Bulk
	option dscp_default_udp Bulk

Edit @dave14305
Still seeing traffic hitting Voice about 60 bytes every 30 seconds.

               Bulk  Best Effort        Video        Voice

thresh 3750Kbit 60Mbit 30Mbit 15Mbit
pkts 22229 259224 0 19
bytes 12444771 239035953 0 1140
way_miss 190 109 0 1
sp_flows 1 2 0 1
max_len 7530 1271 0 60
quantum 300 1514 915 457

Did you restart qosify or just reload the config?

restarted qosify via SSH /etc/init.d/qosify restart
Will restart the router later on.

the picture shows the options:
ingress is a qdisc where the packets enters the router
nowash keep the existing dscp values in the incoming packets
so some incoming packets enter the router already marked with dscp in the voice range,
my isp router marks one port forward with af21

Well, the Video tin gives you 30 Mbps, so I would try up-priorising stadia, and only stadia traffic to Video, that might already solve the issue and seems considerably less involved, and with a bit of luck that already is enough 'bandwidth' to make stadia happy.

That said I like the idea of moving everything else to bulk as that gives sort of a two tier precedence hierarchy. Clever, but in this case maybe not required.

I think the issue is that the 00-defaults.conf is not working (not tagging packets) properly and the reason why your packets get tagged with LE (Bulk) is because this is the default for udp packets in your config. I told this before but I guess nobody really listened.

my config for stadia.

# Stadia
tcp:44700-44899		gaming
udp:44700-44899		gaming

I left the default class S4 voice, everything is perfect. My internet speed is 500Mbps

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According to google stadia requires at least 10 Mbps, or at least 35 Mbps for 4K (stadia pro). To select the best tin to prioritize stadia versus everything else, find the tin with a thresh >= 10 or 3.4 Mbps * 1.2 (safety factor). If you find one great, select a DSCP for your gaming traffic that steers packet into the desired tin. Say if you end up having to select Video because Voice is too narrow, make sure to leave Voice empty, otherwise packets in Voice can delay game packets in Video.

If you find yourself in a situation that neither Voice nor Video offer enough guaranteed throughput, you will need to follow @francisuk1989's example and down prioritize everything but the game traffic to Bulk and keep the game traffic in Best Effort.

While it is tempting to build more elaborate priority hierarchies based on first principles, I would recommend to at least build these up slowly step by step, while monitoring whether the important application(s) still see enough of a priority benefit with each additional prioritization rule. Cause and effect are simply easier to predict, understand and confirm if there are only few rules. Once a set is confirmed working as intended, the next rule can be added, explored and confirmed as working.
Please always remember prioritization is essentially a zero-sum game, for any packet getting better than average delay/jitter some other packets will see worse that average delay/jitter, so unless there are packets available which can be delayed prioritization will not help.

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root@fritzbox:~# uci set qosify.wan.autorate_ingress=0
root@fritzbox:~# uci commit

uci: Entry not found

Using Qosify 2022-02-20-65b42032_arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4


@Hudra all TCP/UDP pockets should of gone into Bulk and nothing eles.

@ilshatms I know your new here but if you read up that i did say "i never seen Stadia use more then port 44700 via UDP" and checked this with Connections in the Luci interface, PLus been on 500Mbps is nice, Way better then been on a FTTC VDSL2 with only 63Mbps Download 18Mbps upload :kissing:

@moeller0 Thats what i was going to do, But becouse is limted to 30Mbps on Video we have two active nvidia shield pro all connection via LANs. One nvidia shield pro takes 17Mb with voice chat so is just under 4-5Mb and no room just incase it goes over a little more, But thanks that was a good idea for one device.

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