Sometimes services need post-initialization and thus, simply respawning crashed program is not enough.
For instance, program creates tun interface and after that, in service_started(), some route rules/tables are added. When program crashed, interface disappeared (together with corresponding routing entries), procd detects crashed process and respawns it… but seems there is no way to recreate routing entries.
Is there a trigger for the respawn event? I found nothing relevant in
I'm looking for a way to implement something like procd_add_reload_respawn_trigger and procd_add_restart_respawn_trigger but I'm in doubts if procd supports respawn trigger.
procd triggers internals aren't documented, and even after some investigation I'm not understanding how (for instance) procd_add_reload_interface_trigger works (in fact, I've got no reloads creating and destroying dummy network interface), but I've noticed something interesting:
At the moment I've ended up with a separate script (running as a separate service):
ubus subscribe service | while read -r line; do
svc=$(jsonfilter -s "$line" -e '@["instance.respawn"].service') || continue
delay= ... # getting service delay
( sleep $delay; /etc/init.d/$svc respawned; ) &
Script reads service events from ubus and retrieves service name from instance.respawn event. After that, it calls extra respawned service command. Target service must define this command: