Pppoe can't connect unitl i stop it!?

If the dsl-connection resyncs (some times at night or to much errors), pppoe cant connect anymore. It shows in the log variois errors like "Timeout waiting for PADO packets - Unable to complete PPPoE Discovery" or "No response to 5 echo-requests - Serial link appears to be disconnected.". These errors show in a loop for hours (tested...). But if i disable "bring up on boot" of the pppoe interface and save it, so the pppd exists, then wait for 5 minutes and enable pppd again it connects immediately!!
Openwrt which connect via pppoe runs on a e8450 and the external modem is a fritzbox (different tried).

This problem exists only since switching from Telekom to Vodafone, with Telekom this never occured - even they reconnect almost every night for improvement of speed, quality and stability. Both are dual-stack, but Vodafone gives only a /56 prefix, Telekom additionaly a IPv6 outside this prefix

Can i set a "cool down" time so pppd does not reconnect instantly?
Or is it a problem of Openwrt's dhcp client?
I also tried to setup a Fritzbox to do pppoe additional to dsl, it worked always!

Failure 1

15:47:20 netifd: Interface 'dsl' is setting up now
15:47:20 pppd[17930]: Plugin pppoe.so loaded.
15:47:20 pppd[17930]: PPPoE plugin from pppd 2.4.9
15:47:20 pppd[17930]: pppd 2.4.9 started by root, uid 0
15:47:30 pppd[17930]: select (waitForPADO): Interrupted system call
15:47:30 pppd[17930]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
15:47:30 pppd[17930]: Unable to complete PPPoE Discovery
15:47:30 pppd[17930]: Exit.
15:47:30 netifd: Interface 'dsl' is now down

Failure 2

15:47:30 netifd: Interface 'dsl' is setting up now
15:47:30 pppd[19040]: Plugin pppoe.so loaded.
15:47:30 pppd[19040]: PPPoE plugin from pppd 2.4.9
15:47:30 pppd[19040]: pppd 2.4.9 started by root, uid 0
15:47:30 pppd[19040]: PPP session is 7876
15:47:30 pppd[19040]: Connected to 1c:ed:6f:XX:XX:XX via interface br-avm
15:47:30 pppd[19040]: Using interface pppoe-dsl
15:47:30 pppd[19040]: Connect: pppoe-dsl <--> br-avm
15:47:30 pppd[19040]: CHAP authentication succeeded: access accepted : vodafone-vdsl.komplett/vbXXXXXXXXXX
15:47:30 pppd[19040]: CHAP authentication succeeded
15:47:30 pppd[19040]: peer from calling number 1C:ED:6F:XX:XX:XX authorized
15:47:42 pppd[19040]: No response to 5 echo-requests
15:47:42 pppd[19040]: Serial link appears to be disconnected.
15:47:48 pppd[19040]: Connection terminated.
15:47:48 pppd[19040]: Modem hangup
15:47:48 pppd[19040]: Exit.
15:47:48 netifd: Interface 'dsl' is now down

Work, after stopped for some minutes

15:53:57 netifd: Interface 'dsl' is setting up now
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: Plugin pppoe.so loaded.
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: PPPoE plugin from pppd 2.4.9
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: pppd 2.4.9 started by root, uid 0
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: PPP session is 7877
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: Connected to 1c:ed:6f:XX:XX:XX via interface br-avm
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: Using interface pppoe-dsl
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: Connect: pppoe-dsl <--> br-avm
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: CHAP authentication succeeded: access accepted : vodafone-vdsl.komplett/vbXXXXXXXXXX
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: CHAP authentication succeeded
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: peer from calling number 1C:ED:6F:XX:XX:XX authorized
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: local  LL address fe80::...
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: remote LL address fe80::...
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: local  IP address 84.63....
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: remote IP address 84.59....
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: primary   DNS address 176.95....
15:53:57 pppd[22030]: secondary DNS address 176.95....
15:53:57 netifd: Network device 'pppoe-dsl' link is up
15:53:57 netifd: Interface 'dsl' is now up
15:53:57 netifd: Network alias 'pppoe-dsl' link is up
15:53:57 netifd: Interface 'dsl_6' is enabled
15:53:57 netifd: Interface 'dsl_6' has link connectivity
15:53:57 netifd: Interface 'dsl_6' is setting up now
15:53:58 firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of dsl (pppoe-dsl)

Please also notice the PPP sesssion count "7877"

from /etc/config/network

config interface 'dsl'
        option proto 'pppoe'
        option username 'vodafone-vdsl.komplett/vbXXXXXXXXXX'
        option password 'gehaim'
        option device 'br-avm'
        option ipv6 'auto'
        option peerdns '0'
        option ip6assign '56'
        list ip6class 'dsl_6'
        option ip6ifaceid 'random'
        option delegate '0'

config interface 'avm'
        option proto 'static'
        option netmask ''
        option defaultroute '0'
        option delegate '0'
        option ipaddr ''
        option device 'br-avm'

config device
        option type 'bridge'
        option name 'br-avm'
        list ports 'lan1'
        list ports 'lan2'
        option macaddr 'AA:41:1E:YY:YY:YY'
        option ipv6 '0'
        option bridge_empty '1'

config device
        option name 'lan1'
        option macaddr 'AA:41:1E:YY:YY:YY'
        option ipv6 '0'

config device
        option name 'lan2'
        option macaddr 'AA:41:1E:YY:YY:YY'
        option ipv6 '0'

The modem does Vlan7 and its webif is accessible by

Some ISPs are a bit overzealous when it comes to preventing duplicate dial-in sessions. They don't notice that the old connection has dropped, but treat the new connection attempt as a disallowed duplicate session - and temporarily blacklist you, while OpenWrt keeps trying to reconnect, the blacklist is getting refreshed constantly. You can only break the cycle by voluntarily disconnecting for a while.

In germany internet connections are not only slow, but also expensive and provider nags it customers
My line was up for more than 100 days, but the last weeks the provider reconnects it every night. And with this bug/feature i have to unplug the router or disable pppd every morning!
I'm wondering of no other Openwrt user uses Vodafon (DSL)?

So i added to /lib/netifd/proto/ppp.sh

nixPrell() {
	local secs="$1"
	local flag="/tmp/.pppd.lastconnect"
	local file="$(date +%s -r $flag 2>/dev/null)"
	local idle="$(( -1 * $(date +%s) + ${file:-0} + ${secs} ))"
	[ "$idle" -gt 0 ] && echo "Sleeping $idle seconds ..." && sleep $idle
	touch $flag

and the 1st line in "ppp_generic_setup()"

ppp_generic_setup() {
	nixPrell 300

This worked today, next time i will try 4 minutes. Maybe this could also be done with ip-up/down scripts. And if the interface is restarted manually the sleep keeps running

Btw, there are some Luci-glitches, or misunderstood it.:

Luci shows
LCP echo interval = empty (default: 5)
"Send LCP echo requests at the given interval in seconds, only effective in conjunction with failure threshold"

"ps" shows
lcp-echo-interval 1


Luci shows
LCP echo failure threshold = empty (default: 0)
"Presume peer to be dead after given amount of LCP echo failures, use 0 to ignore failures"

"ps" shows
lcp-echo-failure 5