Possbile bug on key-build.ucert not being renewed

If you have an openwrt local full build environment, with key-build.(,pub,ucert) files generated for you on first run, you may stumble upon error/problem after one year of working with this directory (and key-build files).

key-build.ucert, while being automatically generated , is created with 365days expiry, and after this date, without any warning you will start building images which fill fail sysupgrade's /usr/libexec/validate_firmware_image check.

Proposed solutions:

  1. renew ucert automatically (if it's being genered in automatic way, also renew could be automated)
    (btw: you must delete old key-build.ucert and have a new one generated from scratch, as chained verification is not working, at least for me :slight_smile: so stacked ucert file will also fail sysupgrade!
  2. at least put big warning at the end of build process.

Just got hit by this. Regular ucert package does not print errors, while ucert-full prints chain_verify: certificate expired.

There's no option to supply expiry date in ucert as far as I see.


blobmsg_add_u64(&payloadbuf, "expiresat", tv.tv_sec + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);