Partition resize with openwrt firmware selector?

I built the latest 23.05.2 version using the openwrt firmware selector online tool for this device Orange PI R1 Plus. This board the OS/Openwrt boots from micro sd card.

Under the "Customize" section "Script to run on first boot" is there either a way to add an option to resize the rootfs partition from the default 104MB size to say 300MB or larger, and perhaps write additional ext4 add/or swap partitions to the sdcard on first boot?

Presently, I'm using gparted to achieve this, and I know I could build manually, which I have, see here. Building from source manually just takes forever, and if I have other options that save me time, I'd like to take advantage of that.

you can use the offline image builder, it won't compile.

could perhaps be adapted for your platform ?

I used the offline builder method building 22.03.2 on my ubuntu machine. Since I compile many additional apllications (luci-app, libs, kmod Etc) initial builds take several hours, and even then, I may receive compile errors. I appreciate the input about resizing, but revewing that script, I'm guessing it'll take just as long for the script to resize the rootfs partition, and maybe even longer then to using gparted. I appreciate the feedback though.

If you have any feedback about what is on my github page that I may be able to consolidate/simplifiy anything I have documented, I'm open for suggestions.

Apples and bananas, that's not the same thing.

It'll also let you specify the sizes of the FSes.

But you're obviously free to follow whichever guide you want.

It doesn't.

The image builder I never really dug into much, but it sure looks much more straight forward! I appreciate the information!

regarding sizes, read Overriding CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_PARTSIZE in Image Builder

Thank you, yes I found that once I started poking around the .config file. I made a little script to run everything automated, and after I changed all the options in .config dd does it's thing during the build process.

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