Hello there !
I bought an Archer AC1200 A5 (not a C5 nor C50, I don't know the differences) yesterday.
As it mentions "hype facebook access" something, I said "I will try to install openwrt first".
The website of OpenWRT confuses me with snapshot install, first install, links, and found the first interresting page here :
I select and upload openwrt-19.07.7-ramips-mt76x8-tplink_c50-v4-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin (visible here https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/tp-link/tp-link_archer_a5_v5 ) from the web interface of the TP link. Yeah ! Blinking app ! (aka boot-loop ! \o/ )
So, I open my toolcase, take a screwdriver, open the box : no serial pin, just drilled holes.
So, I open my second toolcase, and solder the pin. (Here my first start being angry. I said no problem, I will repair it... Best will come later...)
In my third toolbox, I took a serial adapter for flashing from serial.
I (tried to) follow the instruction:
Installation method(s):
see devicepage
"Jan 2020: See device page and use instructions for Archer C50 v4 to create install image for C50 v5 (US version)."
But at the end, I was distriburbed by a third and mixed the TFTP and Serial instructions... I remove the first 512 Byte, erase and flash tp_recovery.bin
After that mistakes, no surprises, it does not boot at all
I read here, he uses a Rpi to reset the flash (and desolderd/resolderd it).
I never did it yet. I went online and buy JTAG programmer (I'm missing it in my tools boxes !). What would you suggest me ? Try to find JTAG port and ISP ? desolderd the flash and flashs it with a Rpi ?