Hi, this post is a follow on from one I posted earlier (which is sorted)
So my OpenWrt is a VM on top of Proxmox and has worked great for a few years!
It has a PCIE NIC passed through for WAN and a virtual bridge VMBR0 which is my LAN
But now I'm getting another internet connection I will need another router.
As per my previous post, I wanted to create a bridge between these two routers, so I can traverse into the other network from my PC in the first network.
In Proxmox I made a new virtual bridge VMBR1 and then added it as a network device. In OpenWrt setup, a static route to the other router and all was good for a while.
But if I reboot OpenWrt it all goes wrong it stops routing traffic and I can't access the webUI!
If I remove VMBR1 and reboot it routs again and all is well except I don't have a bridge into the other router anymore.
I assume what is happening is the new network device is confusing the assignment of the WAN and LAN by OpenWrt but I'm unsure how to prove this or fix it.
Any help would be great