January 2, 2025, 10:14pm
Do you have anything in logs?
So I guess my PC/Laptop/Pixel can still get the signal and connect. However, this is not the case for my other OnePlus (unless I turn off WiFi and turn it back on it).
My PC is MTK RZ616 (MT7922)
Laptop is Qcom FastConnect 6900 (WCN685x-5)
Pixel is BRCM BCM4389 (I believe, cannot find more info).
OnePlus is the same Qcom FastConnect 6900 according to Qcom spec (8+G1) whereas the kernel module is QCA6490.
Nothing useful in log bcuz I have DAWN installed and it kept spamming debug messages I cannot turn off and overnight it just overrides logs from the night before.
January 4, 2025, 10:14pm
This could indicate a client-side problem. But without logs we can only guess...
February 7, 2025, 11:03pm
Anyone tried the release 24.10.0 build on MX8500? Please share your experience.
February 7, 2025, 11:08pm
There is currently a problem with NAND detection:
If you haven't installed it, it's better to wait for a backport until 24.10.
February 7, 2025, 11:26pm
Thanks @lytr . Looks like dynalink-dl-wrx36 is also affected. The plan for me was to use MX8500 as the master and dynalink-dl-wrx36 as child for my mesh setup.
February 8, 2025, 7:33am
@rajenk I misled you. The problem occurs on the main branch and not on 24.10
1 Like
24.10 is nearly perfect for me. There are occasional "ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue" errors, but doesn't seem to affect anything.
opened 07:52AM - 24 Mar 24 UTC
Official Image
Supported Device
### Describe the bug
Same behavior happens also with the Stable release, in a… n attempt to fix this, I switched to the Snapshot where same behavior is seen
Kernel log shows:
[ 20.242269] br-lan: port 7(phy2-ap2) entered forwarding state
[ 33.113494] l11: disabling
[65613.179701] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 22
[65618.299655] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 19
[65623.419694] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 28
[65628.539640] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 23
[65644.139631] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 7
[153265.425395] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 4
[153289.585351] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 18
[153294.705408] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 16
[153299.825320] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 18
[153304.945300] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 20
[153310.065291] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 7
[172834.224732] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 1
[173328.048288] device phy1-ap0 left promiscuous mode
[173328.048430] br-lan: port 4(phy1-ap0) entered disabled state
[175212.302678] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 1
[175225.102589] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 1
[175235.982586] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 1
[175257.662585] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 4
[175265.182565] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 2
[175358.942499] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 1
[175646.961074] ath11k c000000.wifi: dropping probe response as pending queue is almost full
[175646.961128] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to queue management frame -28
[175646.969297] ath11k c000000.wifi: dropping probe response as pending queue is almost full
[175646.974703] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to queue management frame -28
[175711.822263] ath11k c000000.wifi: failed to flush transmit queue, data pkts pending 1
### OpenWrt version
### OpenWrt release
### OpenWrt target/subtarget
### Device
Xiaomi AX3600
### Image kind
Official downloaded image
### Steps to reproduce
Start router
After some random time starts showing the error and devices disconnect from the Wifi, mainly though Intel AX201 ones, but phones also.
### Actual behaviour
devices disconnect from the Wifi, reconnect then disconnect. wifi no longer stable until router reboot.
### Expected behaviour
Wifi to work properly
### Additional info
Around the same time I see in system logs also "Sun Mar 24 09:30:08 2024 daemon.notice hostapd: phy1-ap0: STA ... IEEE 802.11: did not acknowledge authentication response".
Same behavior happens also with the Stable release, in an attempt to fix this, I switched to the Snapshot where same behavior is seen
Not sure if related but mDNS also stops working, Airplay and other bonjour fail to broadcast on the network, and be seen on wifi.
### Diffconfig
_No response_
### Terms
- [X] I am reporting an issue for OpenWrt, not an unsupported fork.
It seems harmless, but it will eventually crash wifi and a reboot will be required when it does
Crazy deal but I'm not sure if it's enough to justify getting it
I saw that too. I bought a bunch of MX4300 when they were on fire sale. My only gripe with them was they don’t have 6Ghz. This fits the bill but I don’t see NSS build for this router? And it has half the ram so given how memory hungry ath11k is…
i have 7 4300s and 3 5500.
i also hav another mr7500 which is basically a cut down version of 8500 with the same 5Gb wan and qcn9074, nss build is easy to do and mr7500 had 512MB it works just fine with nss
February 15, 2025, 7:20pm
Great sale! One of the nice things about the MX8500 is that it has fully functional Bluetooth. It's possible that you could even run a Thread Boarder Router (but I haven't tested that).
Do you use hardwire backhaul? Tempted to get this, but I have 5 MX4300 with hybrid wired/wireless (5GHz DFS channel) backhaul. This doesn't support DFS channel so I'll have to downgrade to non-DFS wireless channel.
Also it seems there is an NNS build by @AgustinLorenzo
1 Like
i also had a combo of wired/wireless
wireless doesnt work gr8 in my place cuz its an 100 yrs old house with THICC walls and floors
if i end up getting this it would replace the 4300s on wired and put those in more scattered rooms where ethernet cannot reach to improve coverage.
February 16, 2025, 10:36am
February 16, 2025, 12:23pm
This one could be considered as WIP?
If neither the guy constantly yelling at you nor its product name won't, then certainly its price will give you a nosebleed.
Another router with supportable zigbee/matter over thread chip.
The fan is controlled through a NCT7511Y SMBus/I2C integrated fan controller/temp sensor hub (near the SoC)
Looking around on the board, we also have:
EFR32MG21 Zigbee/Matter radio (internal USB?)
Airoha AG3352Q GPS/GNSS radio for AFC (PPS via internal serial)
February 16, 2025, 5:23pm
The same Bluetooth chip is used in MX4200v1/v2.
February 16, 2025, 5:56pm
EFR32MG21 is a zigbee/matter/BLE radio.
it is used in SLZB-06M, Sonoff Dongle - E, homeassitant ZBT-1 and few generic zigbee coordinators.
So Opensoruce support is really good. Just need to enable it's usage in Openwrt.
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