OpenWrt support for Linksys MX8500

@lytr Something in the latest snapshots broke the 2.5 WAN port. It no longer works. In the kernel logs, this entry no longer appears:

Aquantia AQR114C 90000.mdio-1:08: attached PHY driver (mii_bus:phy_addr=90000.mdio-1:08, irq=POLL)


Hello! I've been using OpenWRT for a little over a year now on a cheap Linksys router to tinker and try things out. I've just decided to try out the recent snapshot that's available for the MX8500. I got things up and have the latest snapshot (built October 20th) running, but it seems I can't get the WAN port to work. It doesn't show up anywhere. I had to repurpose lan1 as wan while I troubleshoot. I understand this isn't a stable build yet, but wanted to call it out in case the issue @OpenWRT-fanboy mentioned previously is still an issue. It's also 100% possible I just don't know how to properly enable/use that port.

@troyjr4103, that particular bug has been resolved. There remains a wonky bug where the WAN cable is not detected if you unplug it and plug it back in, but this is usually not a problem in normal use as you won't be messing with the cabling that often.

Your problem is probably because you didn't load the AQR firmware after installing the snapshot. Take a look at that section in the pull:

I never updated to the newer firmware because I could never locate where to download it.

Do we need to upgrade the firmware for the WAN Ethernet port: 1x 10/100/1000/2500/5000Mbps (Marvell AQR114C) with AQR-G4_v5.6.5-AQR_WNC_SAQA-L2_GT_ID45287_VER24005.cld?

If so what is the source for the Marvell OEM Firmware? I tried to lookup online and could find some old ones (placed 4 years ago) that too for AQR113C here

The latest firmware for AQR114C is in the OEM update image:
The update file can be unpacked as follows:
docker run --rm -v .:/data/output -v .:/data/input FW_MX8500_1.0.11.208937_prod.img

Firmware for AQR is not distributed with OpenWrt due to unclear license.

Thanks a lot @lytr I managed to extract AQR-G4_v5.6.5-AQR_WNC_SAQA-L2_GT_ID45287_VER24005.cld from the OEM firmware. Here is the md5sum and sha256sum values of the file. Can you confirm the AQR firmware file is legit and safe to use. I do not want to lose the WAN port! Or even brick the entire router. :blush:

md5sum : 4f54d6bc597efa72420c058cd1266116
sha256sum : c517a3e0da47848866dec21cc1cb8fb21e8adb9e0d5755ba60b335d04d6da953

Same as mine.
Go ahead!
And remember to add header first:

Thanks for the reminder. I will add the header and update the AQR firmware. :crossed_fingers:

Just to help others following this thread. Here is the AQR Firmware file size before and after adding MBN header.

-rw-r--r--  1 root root   393218 Oct 26 14:53 AQR-G4_v5.6.5-AQR_WNC_SAQA-L2_GT_ID45287_VER24005.cld
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   393258 Oct 26 15:42 AQR-G4_v5.6.5-AQR_WNC_SAQA-L2_GT_ID45287_VER24005+MBN.cld

Check sums

Before MBN: AQR-G4_v5.6.5-AQR_WNC_SAQA-L2_GT_ID45287_VER24005.cld

md5sum    : 4f54d6bc597efa72420c058cd1266116
sha256sum : c517a3e0da47848866dec21cc1cb8fb21e8adb9e0d5755ba60b335d04d6da953

After MBN: AQR-G4_v5.6.5-AQR_WNC_SAQA-L2_GT_ID45287_VER24005+MBN.cld

md5sum    : 94585e0b2476de456b0c5571b06fbb47
sha256sum : 7da49e3913e2a679eb258114b9b3c60fbfb374e8d4482f950807e353d4762247


i need to setup a home network at a friends house.

i was thinking of 2x GL.iNet GL-MT6000. everything about them is supposed to be working, but they are dual-band Wifi 6.

the only other option i found was the MX8500. i can buy 3x MX8500 for the price of 2x GL-MT6000, plus they are tri-band 6E. additionally, they much better looking, and believe me, my friend really cares about this.

my questions about the MX8500:

  • i understand the 6 GHz band does not work. is this likely to change in the long term?
  • are these routers rock-solid in the two other bands?
  • any reason to prefer the GL-MT6000?

thanks for your help.

6GHz band is working

the router has the same problems as other devices on the ipq807x platform, depends on use, for most it will be stable

I have no idea, price?

thank you!

so that's enough to prefer the MX8500. unfortunately it seems to be on its way out. amazon no longer sells them. the seller on amazon that i wanted to buy from does not ship to my country, so i'll have to settle for the MT6000. the price was lower for the MX8500.

but i'm curious. i have an ipq807x device myself, a Spectrum SAX1V1K. i haven't noticed any issues so far. what are the known problems?

thanks again.

Did we incorporate AQR into the 24.10.0-rc4 firmware? Or do we still need to separately update the AQR?

No, it's not included in 24.10rc. How do I properly integrate the AQR firmware into the latest snapshot? Please help. my WAN doesn't work. I managed to get the AQR-G4_v5.6.5-AQR_WNC_SAQA-L2_GT_ID45287_VER24005.mbn

What do I do with it?

AQR firmware will probably never be part of OpenWrt. License is unclear.

Check the instructions in the commit:

Mind noting what you did to make it work? My qcn9024 broadcasts the radio occasionally but doesn't always work.
Also looks like my regdb is broken:

Try to use PSC channel:

This is a known issue:

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Thanks for the heads up, it does work with PSC channels but overnight it would sometimes turn off and never turn on again.
Not sure if that is related to BDFs.