I'm testing on radio0, with different channels and 20-80mhz and I can't get above 54mbps linkspeed. When I run speed tests, it doesn't make it above 15mbps, where I was previously getting 400+mbps with my eap245v3. Do you have any other suggestions?
well you need a JST cable and a whole different procedure which you can find here. You are not he only one that has bricked one so all the info you need is on this thread.
send me this info please.
1 - mx4300
2 - it does say homewrk. I didn't have the start/home screen that matches with having the homewrk version.
3 - woot
4 - https://github.com/testuser7/openwrt/releases/tag/qualcommax-2540ea6 the mx4300-squashfs-factory.bin
5 -
I'm trying to set it up as a 'dumb' AP
ok, you might of done some of these steps but if you have not go ahead on do them.
1- network, wireless, edit, advance settings and set country code on all 3.
2- network, intefaces, edit lan and use static on your subnet, make sure the ip is not in use, set subnet, gateway and broadcast. Click the advanced settings tab and put your dns servers.
3- go to system, startup and click stop and then click enable so it disables on the following services. Dnsmask, firewall, odhcpd.
reboot and test again. let me know how it goes.
what are you testing with?
Also, homework one has 2GB ram. if you ssh to it you can " cat /proc/meminfo" and the first line should look like this.
root@wrt6:~# cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 1915228 kB
1 - I originally set the country code on all 3. Then disabled radio 1 and 2.
2 - I did all this. I left the broadcast as auto assigned.
3 - I disabled these services already.
I've been testing it with my pixel 8 phone.
Rebooted and re-ran speedtests and it's still really slow. Physical link speed won't go above 54mbps hmmmm
MemTotal: 1914804 kB - does this mean I should be using the specific homewrk build that was posted earlier?
lytr build is the correct one for homewrk but, I am curious as to why your home page was not the same. That has me puzzled.
iw phy0 info
check that all the capabilities are there.
sorry to do this to you and with respect I ask for a screen shot of device configuration. wireless, phy0 edit, only the top part. no stone left unchecked.
Also, try testing with another device just in case.
iw phy0 info - I believe it's showing me 2 streams, that seems to be expected. 20-80hz. Anything in particular I should be looking for?
I tried testing it with my desktop's built in wifi and i get ~15mbps down, which is much much lower, than what I am currently getting. However, unlike my phone, it showed a much higher link rate.
Found your issue.
read what it says on your pictures under WMM mode.
If you have WMM mode disabled, it can limit you to G rates which is exactly what is happening to you. Check that on all 3 and you should be good to go.
Ah that did it. I'm an idiot and missed that. Thank you so much for sticking with me and helping me fix it!
I'm having trouble getting internet access on my newly flashed router. openWRT is installed on both partitions I tried connecting my modem directly and tried connecting the Linksys to my existing router but no dice.
What should be configured in the network config for it to work?
Update: was able to figure it out, had to change the lan IP to something else to not conflict with my existing router (all is mentioned in the docs)
After I changed the lan IP I connected the WAN port of the Linksys to one of the existing LAN ports of the old router.
Hi I am on the same quest -> use it as an AP.
I am trying to keep manual config at a minimum, I can go reserve a static ip at the main router etc but i am experimenting with pihole as the DNS so dont want to ripple configs to all AP's
Can i use DHCP for the AP ?
Can i use DHCP for the AP ?
Yes, just reserve static on main router and got to network interfaces, edit lan, dhcp server, advance settings and in dhcp options add
6, ip_of_Your_PiHole, ip_of_another_Pilhole
if you only have one then just add one without coma. reboot AP in DHCP and you should be good to go.
An AP generates zero traffic, except for NTP queries, really no point in configuring a custom DNS for it.
Thanks @cr4zymanz0r and @oldbastard.
My OpenWRT version remains the one from lytr's build, but all problems that repeated earlier no longer exist on my same PC (with Intel AX200).
It still is a mystery to me why but I'm happy to live with it now :-). Again, thanks lytr for putting up the build.
how it will sync time and install packages without dns? Heck if you install Lytr, how will you install luci without dns? He said he wanted to use pi-hole remember? after you install openwrt it has static so it cannot get DNS from dhcp.
LOL, no worries buddy. It's just one of those details we do not think about at 1am. Glad you are all set, hopefully you get more than 54 mbit now
Not what I said, was it ?
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
I think you need to re-read the post. I never said to add dns to the AP. I said to use option 6 on the main router so it sends the IP of his pihole with dhcp request to all clients that he wants to use without having to reconfigure his AP's.
also saying Not what I said, was it? is a very condescending tone to a sentence to someone that is just helping other people. Thank you for your outstanding contribution and have a great day.