June 16, 2020, 11:22am
It's built on the AP-MTKH7-0002 REV1.0 board
shared with the DIR-878 & DIR-882 but with 128M NAND Flash a bit like the DIR-853-A3
so it's won't be hard but someone who has one has to do it
← Sixtiz:master
opened 04:14AM - 20 May 20 UTC
* SoC: MT7621AT
* RAM: 128MB
* Flash: 16MB NOR SPI flash
* W… iFi: MT7615N (2.4GHz) and MT7615N (5Ghz)
* LAN: 5x1000M
* Firmware layout is Uboot with extra 96 bytes in header
* Base PCB is AP-MTKH7-0002
* LEDs Power Green,Power Orange,Internet Green,Internet Orange
* LEDs "2.4G" Green & "5G" Green connected directly to wifi module
* Buttons Reset,WPS,WIFI
Flashing instructions:
Upload image via emergency recovery mode
Push and hold reset button (on the back of the device) until power led starts flashing (about 10 secs or so) while powering the device on.
Give it ~30 seconds, to boot the recovery mode GUI
Connect your client computer to LAN1 of the device
Set your client IP address manually to /
Call the recovery page for the device at
Use the provided emergency web GUI to upload and flash a new firmware to the device. Some browsers/OS combinations are known not to work, so if you don't see the percentage complete displayed and moving within a few seconds, restart the procedure from scratch and try anoher one, ot try the command line way.
Alternative method using command line on Linux:
curl -v -i -F "firmware=@openwrt-ramips-mt7621-dlink_dir-878-a1-squashfs-factory.bin"
Credit to @Lucky1openwrt for the patch. Original pull request:
Signed-off-by: Mathieu Martin-Borret <>
Hi all,
Hope everyone is safe and doing well.
I am trying to build openwrt for a Dlink DIR-853 A3. It is a device given with my internet provider.
After having a look through the hardware online and in my own device I noticed that it is different from the DIR-853 A1 which uses a 16MB flash . Mine is a 128Mb NAND instead.
After using the work from Support for DIR-878 and which lucky for me only had 4 files changed from the main openwrt tree I managed to build an image that boots but I am ge…