OpenWrt Support for Banana Pi BPI-R3

Hey, anyone else got this error in your boot log?
Same error on latest 23.05 (today) and kernel 6.1 snapshot from 2023-10-24.
This is after a clean sysupgrade. So no config or anything else...

[    1.263651] mtk-pcie-gen3 11280000.pcie: host bridge /soc/pcie@11280000 ranges:
[    1.270986] mtk-pcie-gen3 11280000.pcie: Parsing ranges property...
[    1.277244] mtk-pcie-gen3 11280000.pcie:      MEM 0x0020000000..0x002fffffff -> 0x0020000000
[    1.618502] mtk-pcie-gen3 11280000.pcie: PCIe link down, current LTSSM state: detect.quiet (0x1)

[    1.627299] mtk-pcie-gen3: probe of 11280000.pcie failed with error -110  <----- this one, what is this?

And this one

[    0.047621] mtk-pcie-gen3 11280000.pcie: host bridge /soc/pcie@11280000 ranges:
[    0.047641] mtk-pcie-gen3 11280000.pcie: Parsing ranges property...
[    0.047650] mtk-pcie-gen3 11280000.pcie:      MEM 0x0020000000..0x002fffffff -> 0x0020000000
[    0.047746] /soc/pcie@11280000: Failed to get clk index: 0 ret: -517
[    0.047755] mtk-pcie-gen3 11280000.pcie: failed to get clocks

It's refering to mt7986a.dtsi and line 402.

		pcie: pcie@11280000 {
			compatible = "mediatek,mt7986-pcie",
			device_type = "pci";
			#address-cells = <3>;
			#size-cells = <2>;
			reg = <0x00 0x11280000 0x00 0x4000>;
			reg-names = "pcie-mac";
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 168 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			bus-range = <0x00 0xff>;
			ranges = <0x82000000 0x00 0x20000000 0x00
				  0x20000000 0x00 0x10000000>;
			clocks = <&infracfg CLK_INFRA_IPCIE_PIPE_CK>,
				 <&infracfg CLK_INFRA_IPCIE_CK>,
				 <&infracfg CLK_INFRA_IPCIER_CK>,
				 <&infracfg CLK_INFRA_IPCIEB_CK>;
			clock-names = "pl_250m", "tl_26m", "peri_26m", "top_133m";
			status = "disabled";

			phys = <&pcie_port PHY_TYPE_PCIE>;
			phy-names = "pcie-phy";

			#interrupt-cells = <1>;
			interrupt-map-mask = <0 0 0 0x7>;
			interrupt-map = <0 0 0 1 &pcie_intc 0>,
					<0 0 0 2 &pcie_intc 1>,
					<0 0 0 3 &pcie_intc 2>,
					<0 0 0 4 &pcie_intc 3>;
			pcie_intc: interrupt-controller {
				#address-cells = <0>;
				#interrupt-cells = <1>;