OpenWrt router broadcasts two SSID PPPOE & Hotspot

Dear smart team ,

I have bought one router with OpenWrt system.
Question : I want this router to broadcast two SSID at same time (one PPPOE and second Hotspot "authentication portal from Mikrotik router " ). so could you please support me in this using Luci GUI.

see below diagram:
ISP==>Mikrotik router ==>Switch ===> OpenWrt router "WAN port"

Thank you in advance .


You write: 'router with OpenWrt system'.
Which router, which version of OpenWrt?

I doubt this can be done only within Luci GUI.
You must change some (wlan/network) settings on CLI, I guess.
But your idea should be possible, if your 'OpenWrt router' does support multi SSID channels.


Thank DG,

it's phicomm K2 router
yes router support multi SSID.
