Info: I couldn't publish this forum post in a decent format because there are some restrictions for new forum users when it comes to links and images so I had to put the screenshots in code blocks.
Hi, I'm not very involved in the OpenWRT project but I always love to use it in lab environments. I didn't use it for quite some time, and spun up a few instances for a routing lab today.
I made it a habit to inform projects when I notice patterns that I might be able to work around or can search for answers, but where a newbie would probably stop and search for alternatives at some point. And there are too many of those moments with OpenWRT imo.
I think projects like OpenWRT should be more accessible to more people.
Here is what I noticed:
Finding the right download
Navigating through
is too difficult.
What is this? What are packages?
What is this? Guess I'm looking for targets
I'm lost
Suggestion: Directly link the most downloaded images on the downloads page, with a decription what they are used for.
Extracting the image
Eventually you find the right path and try to extract the image to add it to a VM to test OpenWRT
fails completely, no exported image
Windows 7zip
2 errros, image extracts sucessfully (but the user might not know hat)
gzip -dk openwrt-23.05.3-x86-64-generic-ext4-combined.img.gz
gzip: openwrt-23.05.3-x86-64-generic-ext4-combined.img.gz: trailing garbage ignored
error message, image extracts sucessfully (but the user might not know hat)
Forum approved solution:
Suggestion: Try to find a way to handle image metadata differently and make image downloads broadly compatible
After first launch
You end up with a root partition that has 102.3M left, which is probably not sufficient for future firmware upgrades and custom packages
and you have to read through this post to get it working
Suggestion: Offer an image specificially for VM testing, so that users can test what OpenWRT looks like before installing it on hardware (like qcow2 or ova)
I hope this post doesn't come over as too grumpy or mean, I just think openWRT has a really intuitive Web UI that a lot of people could easily operate, but the time investment to try it out is too high.