can anyone suggest me a device with gigabit ethernet that is compatible with openwrt, and as cheap as possible, but not too cheap that it's not useable
gigabit ports, or gigabit routing ?
two different things.
not much is going to beat a Fujitsu S920 + extra NIC or USB NIC, pricewise, when you need gigabit routing.
at least in EU.
can you explain that, I though there were the same
and ideally I am looking for a wall pluggable device forgot to mention that
gigabit routing is when your internet connection is > 500mbit.
gigabit ports only provide gigabit speed on the LAN side (LAN ports and wifi),
many devices with gigabit ports can't actually route at gigabit speeds, using openwrt.
well my internet speed is 200-210Mb/s but I do sometimes do large file transfers over Wi-Fi so I think I would need gigabit ports and routing
you need wifi, guess you forgot to mention that, too.
some options for a Wifi Router
- Support for Cudy WR3000
These are hard to find new but might be purchased cheap 2nd hand:
oh yeah sorry
didn't realize people still wanted wired only routers
should probably say this as well then, 5GHz and 2.4GHz 802.11r support
I would say at the minute my budget is up to £40
I want something like the RE305 I currently have but with gigabit
D-Link DAP-X1860 ??
that seem about what I want but from what I have found its only available was as EU plug when I need UK plug and the price is slightly over budget
it's the only device marked as an extender on
if you don't mind AC instead of AX wifi, look at the RE650, or the slower RE450.
dude, that won't sit in an electrical outlet ...
most of my device do not support ax so i only need AC wifi
anything small will do but I would prefer wall pluggable, but I am looking for new as well and new prices are over £100 for zyxel wsm20
I did try openwrt with a raspberry pi and it ran well enough, so maybe we can go to cheap wifi adapters that are compatible with openwrt, with access point compatibility
if we do try that I will need something like the tp-link T3U plus but thats compatible
I really want to run openwrt as it has been more stable and reliable that stock tp-link RE305/RE200 so far
and everything need to be UK compatible
not if you buy a multi pack, according to
34£ for one, at
via USB ?
forget it, it's a very bad idea.
now that might be worth it, why didn't I see the EE store one, that might be with what I go with.
thank you for your help, I will have a think about it
it didn't come up at idealo, but at
don't think too long, there's only one available at the EE store
I wish I had have gone with that in the first place its cheaper than my RE450(£45) and supports openwrt, this is the one I will get