Openwrt console not working after copying img to ssd

I tried to use openwrt using a USB stick (i just write its img file to a USB using Rufus) and it worked and there wasn't any problem. But i tried to write the same way to a SSD and write was successfully but when openwrt loaded, after showing many things, it stuck at this level (image)

That was weird ! keyboard is not working in this level (except ctrl+alt+backspace which restarts the server).

Then in a live linux i download the generic-ext4-combined.img.gz and using dd if=generic-ext4-combined.img of=/dev/sda i set it on my SSD ... after restart same thing happend ! openwrt started but after few seconds stuck at the same level of the picture !

What is the problem ?

Silly question: did you try just hitting enter/return after booting completed?

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Why silly ??? that's a problem ! openwrt started, and after some messages (the last ones in picture), everything stuck. can't press anything on keyboard ... nothing happen ...

Naughty...I think you failed to mention something major.

Are you running this on an HPE-based ESXi host?

You didn't mention...but I noticed the console said Virtual Keyboard, then looked at the background.

It's an important note that this is a Virtual Machine and not bare-metal.

Just FYI, I've had success running OpenWrt on them. I've used the VSphere console without issues before.

This is HPE iLO console ... there is no virtual machine ...

1 Like booted OpenWrt on the bare metal?

And you're attempting to access it via the iLO?

Does a normal keyboard work?

You won't see much but a command prompt.

Yes ... same thing happend for a normal keyboard connection with VGA monitor ... i have access to server physically.

Same thing meaning when you press ENTER on the real keyboard - and no command prompt?

:thinking: odd...

Yes exactly !!!! but when i put img file on a USB , everything is just fine and work !!!!!! The problem is with putting img file on an internal hard.

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What instructions/steps did you follow to write the IMG to the SSD?

You're using the same IMG, correct?

Does any interface get a 192.168.1.x IP (should be the first NIC that becomes LAN/eth0)?

My Boot is Legacy ... I wrote a Debian-live image on a USB, i logged into that debian, my SSD was ready (/dev/sda) ... i downloaded the latest version ( in debian

then i used this to get img file.
gunzip openwrt-23.05.3-x86-64-generic-ext4-combined.img.gz

and finaly,

dd if="openwrt-23.05.3-x86-64-generic-ext4-combined.img" of="/dev/sda"

and unplug the USB (debian) and restart ....

And after stucking on this picture (as i showed) i also check on other computer using ethernet cable and nothing happend (if i use a USB for openwrt, everything is just fine even load successfuly)

openwrt has a process named console initialization ... in my problem it dose not reach this process yet that why i have no console access ... but what is the problem !!!?

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I may have an opportunity to test on my iLO...albeit in a few days.

Just curious...Is there a reason you're not using 23.05.4?

No reason ... I used 23.05.4 ... here i mention to 23.05.3 ... (wrong mention)
You can even write img file directly to SSD using Rufus ... just connect that SSD to PC using USB and write select it with img file in Rufus and wait to finish ... then put SSD to your server and done ... same problem ... but if i use a USB with same process (instead of SSD) , there is no problem !!!!!

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I wonder if any type of advanced cards or drive controllers need kmods installed.

well the funny thing is that i just mount img on iLO console and without any SSD, i run openwrt without any problem !!!! it made me crazy .... the problem is only with SSD.

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Did you check the ssd for defects?
Tried another ssd?

This might be the same problem?
No solution yet, as it seems, but maybe some clues…

Yes SSD is just fine. I think there is something wrong with Openwrt and SATA ...

You might want to check this issue and try a snapshot image (a newer kernel):

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Also these threads. It seems to note they're boot issues with devices lacking Serial ports.

Does this server have any kind of serial port?

I doubt it.

But this doesn't answer how you successfully boot with USB and iLO.

My server has Serial Port ... and it's enabled.

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