OpenWrt 24.10.0-rc7 - Seventh Release Candidate

As noted by @Ramon and @RHBH,

24.10.0 is NOT released.

24.10.0 is released: OpenWrt 24.10.0 - First Stable Release

If you want to do a premature test installation of that version prior to release, you are at risk because no tests have been done on it. If you do install and run into issues, please report any real errors, but not things like missing device support or missing packages, those will be expected until the builds are done and the release is actually announced.


Of course not, if you look at the commit history, nothing was merged that could affect R4S.

At this point without anyone affected by the issue to actually help debug it, it wont be fixed.

Just wondering, have you guys tried simple fixes like adding some network restart or ifdown ifup in /etc/rc.local ?


@shalom_epta: Sorry to hear that it is still not working for you. Still, I sense that you somehow imply that I am lying. I actually spent quite some time to test (on three different NanoPi R4S), to help debugging and made constructive suggestions. I am also only aware of one other person flagging such an issue in the past couple of months and at least one other post confirming that everything works ok.

As said, in the past those issues were mostly SD card and/or power supply related ... maybe 24.10 draws more power when booting compared to previous releases ... I honestly don't know.

I'm afraid, the only chance to really figure out what's going on on your device is providing a serial log.


I know this issue exists, i don't experience it tho.

I'm not trying to imply anything just stating the facts.

All i see is people complaining "issue not fixed" and no one providing serial logs from the device rebooting.

The problem won't fix itself, and devs need proper info on what is causing the issue.


Runs like a charm on both my R7800 but beware that there is no upgrade path. You have to deselect the "save config" checkmark and force upgrade. You will lose your config. It is mentioned in the release notes under "Upgrading to 24.10".

As this is a project of volunteers, not all mountains can be moved at once. Since not all R4S-devices have the same problem, it's even harder to pinpoint the bug. I've moved on to the R3S, sometime the R4S will work again. Getting angry won't speed up the proces. It's the tone that makes the music, please make it a cheerfull song, while on the road.


Please read the stickied post regarding using releases before they are announced.
This post is for questions about rc7.

No package shadowsocks-libev, very badly!

If the package is not recommended until announced then why is it showing up in firmware selector I think it should be disabled so that inadvertently no one installs the update

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I'm also seeing the same issue here with R7800 as a dumb AP with wan port assigned to br-lan bridge.

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and in askey rt4230w since conversion to dsa

Firmware Selector has had these issues since it was first made. It's a fantastic page, but shouldn't keep all the old RCs and old point releases as dropdown menu items, nor should it post a new item until it's released, but it scans for the folder and once it's made it shows up there. Obviously wait until announcement unless you know what you're getting yourself into, we know it's coming very soon.

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this issue is known by people reading the forum. but not by everyone.
I think a simple fix could be, add a file with the status to the end of the deploy and only list the versions where the file exists and has the correct version.
(or v <24.10 to be backware compatible).
This way we would prevent accidentally download incomplete versions


Thank you .. but lets agree this issue since long time as you said .. it should be solved before anything because as normal user I don't have the knowledge like you or others.. im simple person know how to use firmware selecor page ..

But seriously thanks for OpenWRT team they are spending hours and hours from their time to support this community..

Has luci-app-wireguard been removed/replaced in the latest release?

That was replaced by luci-proto-wireguard since early 2023!

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Are the update assistants aware of this?

Do you mean firmware-selector,attendedsysupgrade & owut?

With the FS you need to input the package manually, and the latter two, if you already have it installed, they're good to go.

If upgrading from 23.05.5, would those systems notice that the luci-app-wireguard package no longer exists and install luci-proto-wireguard instead?

Yes of course, provided you have the package installed prior to upgrade.

Except the FS (it's up to you to input the package manually), .