OpenWrt 23.05.4 specific SSID only OpenVPN

Hi there,
I've been trying to setup an OpenVPN on a specific SSID only, but when I start the VPN it's also affecting other interfaces? How can I fix?



You need to do Policy Based Routing and you have 3 options:

  1. mwan3 package
  2. pbr package
  3. a set of rules/routes for each internet connection.

Hi, I have been trying with different config but couldn't manage it to work:

when I activate VPN now also LAN goes into it, while tun0 stays on status "No Tracking"

Your usecase is rather simple, so a set of rule/route will be enough.
Keep in mind that the correct source address is

You can use PBR for that and add the whole subnet of the interface you want to route through the VPN, that's what I've been using

worker with PBR pretty easy, had to change also ovpn file as
pull comand was in there by changing to route-nopull

That's exactly what I do :slightly_smiling_face:

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