OpenWrt 23.05.0-rc2 - Second Release Candidate

I'm also hitting the problem of bridged 5GHz WDS STA not working in 23.05-rc2 (I haven't tried rc1).

This is on Belkin RT3200, where it is broken like you described (i.e. STA associates, but no packets seem to get through) in 23.05-rc2. The very same configuration works fine in 22.03.5. In both cases I downloaded the official build.

The AP is another Belkin RT3200 running a custom-built 22.03.

To reproduce, I started with a fresh configuration (sysupgrade -n) and only changed these settings:

  • network:
    config device
    	option name 'br-wan'
    	option type 'bridge'
    	list ports 'wan'
    config interface 'wan'
    	option device 'br-wan'
    	option proto 'dhcp'
  • wireless:
    config wifi-device 'radio1'
    	option type 'mac80211'
    	option path '1a143000.pcie/pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0/0000:01:00.0'
    	option band '5g'
    	option htmode 'HE80'
    	option channel 'auto'
    	option country 'CZ'
    	option cell_density '0'
    config wifi-iface 'default_radio1'
    	option device 'radio1'
    	option network 'wan'
    	option mode 'sta'
    	option wds '1'
    	option ssid 'T-5G'
    	option encryption 'sae-mixed'
    	option key 'the-correct-key :-)'


From my looking at the logs:

  • the sh: out of range line is present in both, so it's probably not the problem here
  • only in 23.05-rc2: daemon.err procd: Got unexpected signal 1
  • other than that, the logs looks the same up to udhcpc starting (after the interface got connectivity after the STA associated)