Online ImageBuilder and Upgrade Server

Added. Please be patient this is an open source project with people doing this in their free time.


Please test the feature with the staging selector


Is the script kept or removed on every firmware update?

1 Like

i came just tested thanks again for this functionnality he has worked perfectly on my router :wink:

As I understand it, the script is implementet using uci-defaults. It will be executed at every boot, but will be deleted, if its exitcode is 0.

Would it be possible to save the configuration used to configure the firmware. This includes the package list, and also uci-defaults. It should be saved inside the fimware, eg in /etc/auc.config.packages and /etc/auc.config.uci-defaults.
I have used the imagebuilder to create images with reduced footprint by removing some ppp* and ipv6 packages. But since I don't document it (my bad) - it would be nice to have the list in the running firmware.

I have tried this function in the past and the script that I entered in the corresponding field was lost when updating OpenWrt with ASU. Therefore, the image to update is not "aware" that there are configurations included in the installed image.

Hi @aparcar , can you please have a look on servers ? Seems that ACU is not working, getting always "Requesting build (position in queue: 416)"... thank you :wink:

Could you please elaborate on what changes you do? Normally I'd except the script to modify the UCI settings, which are preserved over upgrades.

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Storage full again, I have to lower the total number of possible releases...


@aparcar. Is it possible to support the package for image builder branch of 19.07.10?. I have a lot of rocket m5 xw, however this is only compatible with 19.07.10 openwrt version. Thanks.

When there was the option to add a script, I had entered a couple of lines to turn on Wi-Fi by default. When you updated the version of OpenWrt with ASU, you lost those settings when you performed a factory reset.

Hi @aparcar , maybe there is some problem again with servers...

Error: Received inncorrect version r22191-f6a7ce2501 (requested r22187-19817fa3f5

Happens on

Running:   SNAPSHOT r22126-00c5276659 on ath79/generic (ubnt,unifiac-lite)
Available: SNAPSHOT r22187-19817fa3f5
Running:   SNAPSHOT r22126-00c5276659 on ath79/generic (ubnt,unifiac-pro)
Available: SNAPSHOT r22187-19817fa3f5

On :

Running:   SNAPSHOT r22105-fa08d900d4 on ramips/mt7621 (ubnt,edgerouter-x)
Available: SNAPSHOT r22188-7662700613

I got :

Signature check passed.
Downloading file:packages/Packages
Updated list of available packages in /home/aparcar/asu/worker1/cache/SNAPSHOT/ramips/mt7621/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/root-ramips/../../../../../../../../../../../home/aparcar/asu/worker1/cache/SNAPSHOT/ramips/mt7621/dl/imagebuilder
Downloading file:packages/Packages.sig
Signature check failed.
Remove wrong Signature file.
/home/aparcar/asu/worker1/cache/SNAPSHOT/ramips/mt7621/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/root-ramips/usr/lib/opkg/info/acme-common.postinst-pkg: line 3: /etc/crontabs/root: No such file or directory
/home/aparcar/asu/worker1/cache/SNAPSHOT/ramips/mt7621/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/root-ramips/etc/init.d/acme: line 12: /usr/lib/acme/ No such file or directory
postinst script ./usr/lib/opkg/info/acme-common.postinst has failed with exit code 1
make[2]: *** [Makefile:192: prepare_rootfs] Error 1
make[1]: *** [Makefile:141: _call_image] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:258: image] Error 2
Error: Error while building firmware. See stdout/stderr

Everything on server

Thank you.

Any hope to see 22.03-SNAPSHOT version at

For which platform?

Please visit for details

EDIT: I forgot about release branch snapshots and was thinking you simply wanted images for development master snapshot.

My original reply here showed a picture of selecting "SNAPSHOT" in the drop-down menu and indicated to select it. That would produce installable images of development master.

I am asking for 22.03-SNAPSHOT version.

Sorry. I forgot about RELEASE-SNAPSHOTs. I was thinking of master. I hope aparcar replies to you.

For others unaware, there are also snapshots of release branches and not just development master available on the download site. I'm not a developer or a git user but I suspect the branch snapshot may be the HEAD of a release branch.
Development master:

Hi all, I'm currently testing a bit of a new system which builds firmware within Podman containers instead of "bare metal". As a result one build can't influence another build, even if malicious packages are installed. With that in place external feeds are possible. Below is an example, the keys repositories and repository_keys are new.

  "packages": ["auc", "luci-app-attendedsysupgrade", "lime-system"],
  "profile": "ubnt_unifiac-mesh",
  "target": "ath79/generic",
  "version": "SNAPSHOT", "defaults": "aaaaaaaasaaaaaajaajaaaaaaaaaaaasaa",
  "repository_keys": [ "RWSnGzyChavSiyQ+vLk3x7F0NqcLa4kKyXCdriThMhO78ldHgxGljM/8" ],
  "repositories": {
    "openwrt_core": "",
    "openwrt_base": "",
    "openwrt_luci": "",
    "openwrt_packages": "",
    "openwrt_routing": "",
    "openwrt_telephony": "",
    "libremesh": ""

A test server runs here, please don't report trivial bug since this is early development

The code is available here

If you want to add your own feed, please don't hesitate to send me your repository link and signify/usign key.