Onhub TP-LINK TGR1900 future support?

Now that I got the firmware installed, I was just wondering if there is anywhere I can modify the lights?

I searched through the thread a bit, but didn't really see exactly how to update them.

The rainbow is nice on startup but I do prefer more traditional lights after the device has started.

just for sharing in case useful for others.

for someone who doesn't want to do a recovery to reinstall openwrt after some bad move or doing, just change root=PARTUUID=%U/PARTNROFF=1 to root=/dev/sd%D%P in image/chromium.mk to create ability to be able to boot from USB drive, without this change if openwrt image is already installed, you can't boot from USB.

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I never got any further with the bluetooth setup. The speaker isn't that great. I played some internet streams through it using mpg123. I just kind of forgot about trying anymore options.

Hello lucky,
I have been playing around with it a little I get a message please try to remove files from /overlay/upper/ only there is no directory for upper inside the overlay directory. Secondly when I check it out with df it shows I am using 8% in overlay. The other problem I have is I can not install f2fs-tools because of the read only situation. I understand that if your disk is full it turns into a read only situation but I am only using 8% of the disk is there a constraint inside the firmware?

Hello, everyone. It started working pretty good until I did a reboot correct me if I am wrong here because I may be causing my own headache if you set this up as a dumb access point you are supposed to delete the WAN and put your ethernet ports all on the LAN am I correct here? Whenever I do this it works great after I do service network reload and everything is working perfectly until I reboot the unit and after the reboot nothing works at all.

make sure you don't keep setting or even do another factory reset after update
you can then reload previously saved settings
but this should flush out any residual files when using snapshots updating to other snapshots

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I had all kinds of issues when I tried installing for the first time on my original OnHub...

The two I recently purchased on ebay had no issues, but after booting to the flashdrive I did as the installation guide mentions may be needed:

Device will boot OpenWRT from USB but not from eMMC / network interface never comes up

If you are able to boot from USB and flash the OpenWRT image, but a network interface never comes up when the router reboots from eMMC, it may be necessary to zero the eMMC before flashing:

dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 seek=7552991 of=/dev/mmcblk0 count=33
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M of=/dev/mmcblk0

Oh, and as others have mentioned... don't try to flash a new snapshot and retain the current settings, because that doesn't work and makes everything behave weird.

V23.05.0-rc1 available

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@ACwifidude Man, I just wanna say thank you for updating the firmware. The recent update (June 8) got my Asus onhub pulling 450mb as client (was 320-330mb). Thanks man!! :smiley:

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Is anyone else having the onhub instantly reboot when clicking 'refresh channels' under Channel Analysis in luci?

Not sure what's happening... I have done it while following the log via SSH and there's nothing. Maybe its my verbosity settings though.

23.05.0-rc1 keep booting from USB first. How to fix the boot sequence?

Try refreshing all channels, no reboot.

only way to stop the device booting from USB is to install openwrt onto it's flash and remove the usb device
maybe one day we can get it to run openwrt in normal mode "not debug"

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Does this symptom occur on Google WiFi (Gale) too?

not sure witch Gail is but I think both the tp-link & the asus are the same to install
if you want external storage you may have to just run it off that external storage

This is only true for kernel modules (kmod-xyz) and the packages that rely on them.
Most programs are OK to install later.

I tried this method, but still no luck.
Rooting The Google OnHub - Exploitee.rs
LED blinking orange, not purple. After a few tries tapping spacebar and enter key, it is bricked (softbrick).

I think openwrt is only signed at debug code
not main OS so will only run in debug mode

That's not completely true. I believe what you're often seeing is that:

  1. the bootloader boots a kernel from one of the detected disks (I believe that's actually the internal eMMC by default still)
  2. the bootloader determines the GPT PARTUUID (partition UUID) of the kernel partition it's using
  3. it places that UUID in the kernel command line (check cat /proc/cmdline; that'll include something like root=PARTUUID=<deadbeef-01234-xxxxxxx>/PARTNROFF=1)
  4. the kernel uses that UUID for determining which partition (offset by +1, due to PARTNROFF=1) to use for the root filesystem

Because the USB and eMMC filesystems use the same UUIDs (we copied the partitions bit for bit), step 4 is non-deterministic -- the kernel will pick whichever one it feels like. By some detail (alphabetical order? driver ordering?), the kernel tends to pick the "wrong" one.

A simple solution is to change the PARTUUID for one of the kernel partitions. I think that would look something like this on OpenWrt, if you have uuidgen and fdisk tools available:

# Generate a new partition UUID for partition 1 on the eMMC
{ echo x; echo u; echo 1; uuidgen; echo r; echo w; } | fdisk /dev/mmcblk0

I do feel from the LED on the USB stick mine was booting from USB Kernal as lest
but I did feel it was sometime using the other partitions from the flash "led pattens I setup & IP's set"
but then something changed and would now just boot the factory config from the USB
if the UUID changes for each compile/version this would explain it
and be a good note when trying to recover bad configs
make sure you are using the different version then you installed