Odhcpd listen on raw ::%1:58

root@xyz:~# netstat -lwp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name    
raw        0      0 ::%1:58                 ::%4448380:*            58          850/odhcpd
raw        0      0 ::%1:58                 ::%4448380:*            58          850/odhcpd

root@xyz:~# ip l
1: lo:...........
2: eth0:............
3: sit0@NONE:........
4: br-lan:...........
5: eth0.1@eth0:.........
6: eth0.2@eth0:.........
7: 6rd-wan_6@eth0.2:.........

Is odhcpd raw 58 listening on lo interface only or is it listening on all interfaces?
What does it mean %1:58 and %4448380:*?


What is the output of ss -lwep? On my node it prints:

State   Recv-Q   Send-Q  Local Address:Port         Peer Address:Port
UNCONN  0        0                   *:ipv6-icmp               *:*      users:(("odhcpd",pid=3975,fd=20))
UNCONN  0        0                   *:ipv6-icmp               *:*      users:(("odhcpd",pid=3975,fd=17))
UNCONN  0        0                   *:ipv6-icmp               *:*      users:(("odhcpd",pid=3975,fd=14))

Not sure how reliable the output from netstat is, for one being legacy and then being implemented by busybox.

With ss I get the same as your results.