I build my own openwrt config a while ago. Now I lost the config file I used with menuconfig.
Can I obtain that file somehow from my running openwrt system? I wanted to upgrade to a newer version but maintain the package combination I have.
if you compiled the option "Kernel .config support" into a custom kernel configuration when you built it, then you can zcat /proc/config.gz to get the kernel config
If you compiled the option CONFIG_INCLUDE_CONFIG ("Include build configuration in firmware") then the config will be located in /etc/build.config.
Great and I will defenitely go for it, but for now I need to setup another identical device and therefor I need to build the image again. I want to build a mesh and I bought another device on ebay. Now I need to flash it like the other one, but I am missing the custom kernel config for menuconfig.
Can I extract that information from attended sysupgrade somehow?
Attended sysupgrade only lets you customise packages. I doesn't change kernel config as far as I'm aware.
Guess you need to decide if the custom kernel changes are absolutely necessary. I've found updating openwrt so much smoother using attended sysupgrade!