I have been trying to update my BPI-R4, since yesterday, Tuesday morning (UTC+1) 04 sept 2024, using either owut or attended sysupgrade, I get the following errors:
owut check
ERROR: Response status 502 while downloading
Attended sysupgrade
Error connecting to upgrade server
Could not reach API at "https://sysupgrade.openwrt.org/api/v1/revision/SNAPSHOT/mediatek/filogic?1725525032982". Please try again later.
The router can ping https://sysupgrade.openwrt.org
I can download the 'sysupgrade' file from https://firmware-selector.openwrt.org/?version=SNAPSHOT&target=mediatek%2Ffilogic&id=bananapi_bpi-r4
But I am not able to download a customised image with the packages I desire, there is no response to the 'Request Build' button.
(I added these packages to the list: adblock luci-app-adblock attendedsysupgrade-common luci-app-attendedsysupgrade luci-app-statistics owut).
What am I doing wrong?
How do I correct this?