Nokia 2425G-A to Cudy WR3000 OpenWRT


I have a fibre modem-router Nokia 2425G-A changed to Bridge mode in IPOE with VLAN ID100 supplied by my ISP.

I have my Cudy WR3000 OpenWrt 23.05 connected from its WAN port to LAN4 on the Nokia.

I have added wan.100 in the Interface settings which created a VLAN 801.2q Device. Everything else is Stock. There is no internet connection, Unreachable error when pinging google dns.Is there anything else I need to configure?

Thanks in advance.

Probably a dumb question but any reason why you have configured a vlan device?

its required by the ISP. Wouldn't work if I remove the VLAN config. Weird I know, but I've seen other ISPs do the same.

I connect to the internet the same way except with vlan 300 instead of 100. Depending on the ISP there could be other requirements. Do you know if that is the case?