Node packages for allwinner A20/A3x/H3/R40 CPUs

Hi there I compiled some Node packages for openwrt devices that are using Allwinner A20/A3x/H3/R40 CPUs .
Since the newer version of openwrt 22.03.0 supports my device again ( openwrt 21 did not support my network switch on my device ) . I thought I recompile NODE for it using the newer zigbee2mqtt. and take advantage of domoticz 2021 in the newest openwrt .
I will slowly add the other node packages to the repository as it probably take a couple days to compile them all…
if you are only looking for zigbee2mqtt then you need to install node, npm, bufferutil, utf-8-validate, and then zigbee2mqtt plus install kmod-usb-acm for the zigbee adapter - tested and working properly on my BPI R1 (allwiner A20 cpu)

finished adding all the files for node that i could aws files were to big for github, and so was npm check . and i could not compile homekit as I was missing a dependency for it