Pardon if I missed a step, but I noticed after flashing OpenWRT on my EdgeRouter X that there is no LED configuration menu in LuCI. I SSHed into the router to do a uci show system | grep "system.led"
and it comes up blank, same with the ls /sys/class/leds/
command. Does this device not support configuring the LEDs? Did the firmware not flash correctly?
I can confirm that EdgeRouter X running OpenWrt does not have any entries in /sys/class/leds
, so you've most likely flashed it correctly.
Router hardware are not typically "self-describing" like it is on x86 platforms. Things like LEDs are defined in the device tree that is compiled as part of the firmware. That's why OpenWrt has separate binaries for every supported device.
Now why the device tree doesn't define any LEDs is a different question. Looking at the original commit that added ERX support, it appears that the LEDs on ERX are controlled by the switch and not GPIO pins from the SoC. It looks like it can be controlled from software, but it requires a different mechanism and no one has bothered to look into it. I have no idea how much work it would take to control the LEDs on ERX.
That is what I thought. Thanks for the feedback.
Check the following thread, IIRC the ER-X has the same switch chip:
Also the Edgerouter-X "PWR" LED is wired directly to the power bus so it stays on all the time that power is supplied to the router. It can't be controlled with software.