Nft speed limits not being observed

Hi my speed limits set with nft-qos dont seem to control the speed of the clients I can well excede speed limits set.
below is the output of nft list ruleset i dont know if I have set something wrong or something broken:

table inet nft-qos-static {
        chain upload {
                type filter hook postrouting priority filter; policy accept;

        chain download {
                type filter hook prerouting priority filter; policy accept;
                ip daddr limit rate over 50 kbytes/second drop
                ip daddr limit rate over 50 kbytes/second drop
                ip daddr limit rate over 50 kbytes/second drop
                ip daddr limit rate over 50 kbytes/second drop
                ip daddr limit rate over 50 kbytes/second drop
                ip daddr limit rate over 50 kbytes/second drop
                ip daddr limit rate over 50 kbytes/second drop

Are you having bandwidth bottleneck issues when this occurs?

(Otherwise, it wouldn't limit clients.)

no, so nft wont limit clients speed unless the network is saturated?

is there a way to limit devices reguardless of the Wan load?

Firewall rule.