Yes, i've used the Breed.
Hi minax007,
Just seen your reply here that state the we can overclock the cpu to 1100 MHz on OpenWRT. Can you share how to do that?
Thanks in advance and wishing you well on the other side of the screen
Dear @devsda,
you may find the instruction on how to overclock the CPU to 1100 MHz on the following page:
If your Chinese is as weak as mine then Google Translate can help you out.
You will get a significant performance increase (appr. +25%).
The nominal power consumption of the router incl. the power supply is appr. 4 Watt.
With the overclocking it may go up temporarily.
But the R2100 and the RM2100 have massive heat sinks ... so overclocking shouldn't cause overheating or throttling
Hi @minax007,
Thanks a lot for replying! I've been following the guide and right now I'm quite confused on how to apply the patches into the OpenWRT that I'm going to build (This is my first time building the firmware from source)
Are there any step by step guide on how to apply the patches? Once again, Thank you and sorry for troubling you with such a noob question
Dear @devsda,
in the OpenWRT Wiki you may find very useful information on how to compile your own builds.
This page is a good a starting point:
You don't need to use the outdated kernel which is promoted in the link I shared before.
I don't recommend it.
The mod also works with the kernel which is found in the OpenWRT repository.
And it is the latest one that is available.
Hello i just installed Openwrt via this tutorial and i tried to upgrade with the sysupgrade with the last image ([])
I dont know what i did wrong but i lost the interface and i couldnt access the router via interface web.
A friend of mine helped me and we flashed back tutorial images.
Can someone help me with the router update?
Thanks in advance.
Dear @Doxi,
the image you have installed is a "snapshot".
The snapshot firmware does not come with the web interface called LuCi.
After installation, as you did, you need to install LuCi via ssh:
opkg update
opkg install luci
Then you will be able to access LuCi again
Hi @minax007,
Thanks a lot for the guide! Will the compiled version apply the patches that are located in target/linux/ramips/patches-5.4/ ?
Dear @devsda,
I see that you want to go with the specific kernel that is referred in the link.
The patch should get considered during compiling.
But you need to apply the modificiations described in the link I had shared in the following file:
Otherwise the CPU will not get overclocked.
In case you want to stick with the official OpenWRT kernel, then you need to adapt the following file:
After applying the modifications and compiling, you should be able to see in the log that the CPU speed was increased to 1100 MHz
Hi @minax007,
Thanks a lot! Turns out I failed to build the image multiple times because I use the patches from
To the openwrt image , now it's already been compiled and I have installed it into my Redmi AC2100!
Oh yeah one question, when using the make menuconfig there is some options such as:
- Select all target specific packages by default
- Select all kernel module packages by default
- Select all userspace packages by default
- Build the OpenWrt Image Builder
- Include package repositories
- Build the OpenWrt SDK
- Package the OpenWrt-based Toolchain
Is it needed if I just want to compile the Firmware?
Thanks a lot for the guidance! And wishing you well on your side of the screen
Dear @devsda,
the *.patch files I had referred to are part of the kernel and not modded for 1100 MHz, as they are uploaded on GitHub.
Those were named *.patch, because those include other patches.
You need to edit the *.patch file according to the instruction given in the following link:
And after having modified the *.patch file accordingly you need to compile the image.
With regard to how to compile OpenWRT, there are a couple of videos on YouTube which kind people have shared with us.
E. g.
Hope this is helpful.
Hi @minax007,
Yup, I already change the OpenWRT Patch and applied the change that have been stated on the Chinese Forum.
And also, Thanks for the Video
You are welcome.
Dear @Doxi,
I have just found a repository where you can download the latest OpenWRT snapshot, which already includes LuCi.
So there is no need to install LuCi afterwards via ssh.
This is the repository:
Direct link to the latest firmware for the RM2100:
It comes along with a couple of other functionalities like mesh networking support.
The link above refers to the daily updated firmware.
Thanks, but it is for the redmi ac2100 (White one) and I have the black cylinder.
You can use the RM2100 (white Redmi with 6 visible antennas) firmware also on the R2100 (black cylinder). Both share the same system architecture. And both have six antenna.
Some people state that the R2100 only has 4 antenna. But this is not correct.
Here you can see the evidence:
Hi Everyone,
Do anyone have managed to get the 5GHz with width of 160 MHz? Everytime I change my 5 GHz adapter width to 160 MHz the 5 GHz AP will be entirely gone
I dont know if its really working but, i can turn it on without a problem, using x-wrt's build.
Guys, if any of you have issues after updating from @scp07 's builds (from 19.07.4 to 19.07.5) I would suggest to start from scratch and reflash the latest image (either through BREED or directly with mtd write), as I had instability issues overall. Now I reflashed both of my devices and all seems good, 2,4Ghz is stable (though I disabled 5Ghz radios on both devices temporarily due to previous stability issues - may be related to my 802.11r configuration).
I have the same pb than mlis. I 'll check the posts exposed. @ mlis, did you solved your problem ?