Computer IP gets assigned to, with proper Subnet & Gateway, so assuming it's getting assigned from OpenWRT/R6900v2
Try to log into but no luck. Refreshed browser; Different Browsers; etc.
In reading some of the other "Can't Access Web GUI" posts, could it be that the image referenced above does not have LuCI preinstalled?
However, I can't seem to find those files listed for my specific router under "packages", but I did find my Router under "targets"
Rather than trying to install LuCI separately, is it possible to download and install a full image including LuCI from the "Targets"? If so, any "how to's" using PowerShell or Putty or Something Else in Windows 10?
Or is it possible I'm experiencing something different than LuCI not being installed?
Download the 23.05.0 stable release build. Copy that from your computer to your router using scp (to /tmp/) and then login via ssh and use sysupgrade on the command line to upgrade. Do not keep settings (use the -n argument when performing the upgrade).
Darn, I thought the file I downloaded in my Step #5 above was the right one
It appears that I somehow downloaded the Snapshot (6,892KB) by mistake. Perhaps the coffee had not yet kicked in
I've now downloaded what I believe to be the correct one above (7,006KB)
From here, I'm getting a bit lost in the weeds.
Does anyone have a nice step-by-step overview you can point me to?
I get the "No such file or directory" response below.
Thought I could use native SSH in Windows 10 (instead of WinScp).
Tried Putty but get the same response.
Tried scp c:\OpenWRT\OpenWrtImage.img root@OpenWrt:/tmp/"
What am I doing wrong in #5 above (or life in general) ?
I think (hope) once I get the file over to the Router I'll be able to follow @psherman sysupgrade instructions
But with your suggestion to run WinScp, and @psherman's input above, here's what I did in case someone else like me (with less knowledge of OpenWRT, SSH, etc.) might overcome accidentally installing a SnapShot:
Download the latest stable build SysUpgrade BIN for your Router (in my case R6900v2 here). Note: I tried the "Factory Image" which is a n.IMG file but it did not work.... needed the BIN.
I renamed the file for ease of use later to: OpenWrtSysupgrade.bin