Network monitor - interactive geo map, clients, wan

I wanted some more visibility on my home network. I started with the cool nlbwmon but wanted to add geo data (using and DNS data to get a more granular picture. So, after adding some code on top of the original nlbwmon, and using some AI code generation to help with the web interface, I got something which is pretty useful to me. So if there's any interest I'm sharing the code here. It's not yet production ready and the code is a bit messy but even if you run it for a few days you can get a nice view of your network.

nlbwmon fork:

Web interface is here:

More info on how it works can be found here, though it's not up to date and building this project will require some manual work.

I would be very careful with AI generated code. The license of such code is unclear and could be a major source of liability. You also need to verify that the code the AI generated is actually good and not just something that works sort of.

A quick look