Need help to use openwrt on sim7600e-h

Dear Openwrt users! Sorry for my question. I'm new and interesting how to use openwrt on sim7600e-h. If someone used it, please give me information step by step how to install and use. I will be happy if you share your knowledge with me!
Thank you for your attention!

seen [SOLVED] LTE QMI Troubles ?

yes i seen but there is no full information! two days ago i bought sample to use

you want fries with that ?

tried the links in the 1st post, to start with ?

If you want to use this modem with your OpenWrt router - please correct the topic tittle and your initial post. You cannot use OpenWrt on this modem.

If the modem is already connected to the router, show the output of cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices

thank you for your attention! i want to use for my iot project. i read this modem is using open linux, but i want to use openwrt and wrote my own app on it

on a device where the 7600e is installed, yes, on the 7600e itself, no.

Dear friend. i bought RTU, there is only sim7600e-h module and running openwrt on it. there is no extra cpu or something else