Sorry in advance if this post is ill-formatted. I don't use forums too often and I'm not sure I'm much of a good writer.
Hi! I'm new to this whole custom firmware for embedded devices thing. I have some experience with linux and programming in general though, and I recently learned that there was actually an os running routers. I am using a ZTE MIFI.
My goal is to monitor the bandwidth usage in detail of all devices connected to the mifi and store logs of them. I'm willing to use an sdcard for storing the logs. My original train of thought was to see if I could modify the original firmware and add a new "view/tab" that contains the info I seek probably using an API of some sort and programming logic.
After doing some searches online, I'm not sure I found a single article talking about custom firmware's for MIFI's (they are like small portable routers). I want to ask if my task is at all possible and if so the route I need to take to be successful; how to backup the current firmware; how to unbrick in the case it happens (...and it just might) and all other things I need to know.
That's an interesting selection of ICs, ZTE wifi and switch and a Realtek SOC = not supported and likely not supportable.
Could even be a ZTE SOC? But that would be something of a unicorn, google only has set top boxes that ever used the short lived ZTE cpu/soc.