NanoPI R6S with OpenWRT

I don't own a R6S device to test so I don't make builds :confused:


It has two now :wink:

What it means? Are we closer to final version of OpenWRT for NanoPi R6S ???

I tried current snapshot but it didn't work. No internet and no GUI to control router.

It means that we get R6C support added to official OpenWRT, IF we get 6 approvals and the PR is accepted and committed. Then we get official development snapshots for the R6C. The R6S already has those.

Afaict until the rk3588 soc is fully implemented in the Linux kernel we will be on snapshots.


You don't need 6 approvals (that setting is just there to prevent accidental merges to github, but github is just a mirror of, so any automatic merge would be in vain; the number is arbitrarily chosen to never be met in practice, it could just as well be 999), you only need one developer to merge your changes.


You need to install Luci by yourself, also you need to tell people something more than just "no internet", no one can guess what's happening there.

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I'm using latest version of FriendlyWRT everything works fine... but this is not OpenWRT. You know what I mean.

When tried with OpenWRT snapshot I just "installed" it on microSD card and then restarted the router.

Router started from microSD card with OpenWRT snapshot on it.

The led at the front of the router were blinking.

But... there was no internet connection working from this router.

DHCP server wasn't working.

So from my perspective internet was down.

When I installed OpenWRT on mini PC I got everything working just after computer started.

This is why earlier I said that internet was not working with this snapshot.

I give up with troubleshooting and just removed microSD card and rebooted router to FriendlyWRT

If you can provide some guidance... I could try one more time (from microSD card) and then would provide more info.

But generally speaking... I will wait until official regular version of OpenWRT will be released for this device.

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That's quite informative, thank you.

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Hey choppy you helped me out with irq for immortalwrt on another forum regarding dlakelans hfsc. I just switched to openwrt snapshot release and my wan port is now eth1 instead of eth2. Do you have an optimal irq optimization for this snapshot release? Currently Iā€™m using the kmod-r8125-rss drivers.

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Its been a while since I last checked in. I just followed up on reading PR16275. I see it made some progress, yay! However I'm unclear about what the difference is between R6S acceptance vs R6C.

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can you show output of

cat /proc/interrupts
grep . /sys/class/net/eth?/queues/?x-0/?ps_cpus

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I can post it after work.


I think its stalled because they want R6C patches to be accepted upstream, however antnyfls suggested dropping those but we have yet to get an answer to that suggestion from hauke . On top of that 23.05.5 will be released soon and takes up time. Patience is key here :wink:


If I understood correctly, there will be no official release openwrt for r6s soon?

Announcements of new releases and security updates will be made here by OpenWrt staff members. Users may reply, but can not create new topics.
Can anyone explain why?

That PR just got merged.


If by "official" you mean "stable" then yes, that will probably take some time.

Great news, thank you.You can now find the R6C under development builds :heart_eyes:

@hauke You made my day, thank you.

Everything is brand new and I'm having so much fun :laughing:. Although I must say I was surprised to find the r6c in the list, I did find a minor issue with the buildbot. It seems it cannot be Christmas every day :wink:

My old trusty x86_64

  • OpenVPN

NanoPi-R6C initial results:

  • OpenVPN

  • WireGuard


minor bug found

If you are confused why you cannot connect to your R6C in fail-safe mode. It seems the ports are swapped and only the wan-port is available. So I had to move the LAN cable to the WAN port, open a shell via USB/DEBUG port and then manually bring up eth0.

ip addr add dev eth0
ip link set eth0 up
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