Nand Flash Error - Installing OpenWRT on ZTE MF286D with Nordic B012

I've had OpenWRT running on my ZTE MFD286 before but switched back to the Nordic B012 firmware for a comparison of some WiFi issues. Now when I try to re-install OpenWRT all goes well with the initial TFTP but when I try to Sysupgrade I get lots of lines on the console output with " Nand Flash error. Status = 12336"
When the system reboots, it goes back to u-boot.

I'm guessing that something has changed with the flash layout when updating the Nordic firmware but I'm unsure what to do next, maybe a flash erase or reformat?

I ran this command in uboot console to erase the NAND memory on the ZTE:

nand erase 0x1800000 0x1d00000

Taken from This Post

Sysupgrade then ran and I now have a working OpenWRT again.