I use the BT Home Hub 5a (Lantiq xrx200 soc) with trunk built myself. I have few installations in place for years.
My brother has one. His internet is wireless from the mobile phone network via a Huawei USB modem (E3272s-153) which presents as an NCM interface and 2 x USBTTY ports. It has worked fine for ages, streaming movies and sports but never MS-TEAMS. Two weeks back, he was obliged to give a lecture from home via MS-TEAMS to a group of 25+ students as a result of covid-19 restrictions.
The bthhta rebooted 3 times during the 90min lecture causing mayhem. The following day I was present when he began a second lecture. Internet was lost on the LAN after 20 mins. According to Luci, the WAN was up and the huawei modem indicated an LTE connection throughout. Syslog and dmesg showed no errors. I had to rip out the bthh5a and use a commercial product so my bother could continue working.
The build of trunk in use was from Sept 12th last and it is minimal (no xDSL nor ath10k firmware included) and no frills software.
I need advise of how to debug this issue before I try to simulate similar conditions (I know nothing of teams). How do I force the NCM subsystem to be much more verbose in syslog. Any hints and advice hugely appreciated.
Looks like a power and/or heating issue on a high load. I suggest to get a better modem.
In the mean time check if you can use more powerful power supply or provide additional power to the modem by using USB Y-cable.
I have at least three of that model huawei modem out there for the past two years. Only TEAMs breaks the setup. I have continued to use my brothers bthh5a and the same huawei in my home for the past 10 days and multiple clients without any issues.
I do not see how you conclude it is a power/heating issue. If the modem locked up and stopped communication, I expect syslog/dmesg to say something.
Huawei E3272/3276 are known to be power hungry, so cables and power are always #1 on my checklist. Your problems could be caused by other factors though. At the same time I recommend to use a short USB cable between modem and router, plugging modem directly is not always good.
@h8red, your suggestion is looking good. I've run a mini TEAMS meeting using trunk built today without a problem for 2 hours. The Sept build of trunk causes a reboot after ~30 mins. I greatly appreciate your assistance. Very many thanks!