Missing wifi menu tab (HG556a)

Screenshot from 2023-01-25 16-43-40
as it says in the title i lost the wireless tab on my HG 556a ver.C after the latest upgrade ... i tried to revert back to the old firmware but nothing changed ... i installed the default firmware and went back to an older openwrt firmware still didnt help ... so is there anything i can do about it!! thanks

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The Wiki recommends adding a heatsink to the WiFi card as it might overheat and fry otherwise. Does it work with the stock firmware?

And the Wiki says that some versions can destroy the cal_data area, resulting in lost WiFi.

Check the Wiki: https://openwrt.org/toh/huawei/hg556a

no it doesn't work with the original firmware unfortunately

So either your card overheated and is literally toast or you lost the cal_data partition. I would rule out the cal_data partition problem first.

is there any guide on how to fix that

fix it using this method


So it was a lost or corrupted cal_data partition!

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yes it was thanks for the help :slight_smile:

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