hello. i want to use my router "TP-Link WR902" with "Huawei E8372h".
After install OpenWRT and LuCi i miss the tab "Modem" in the navigation to configure the modem connection. I need your help because i believe, i have to install further packages. But i don't know which packages i have to install.
thanks for your support. 
I assume you used ROOter before and are referring to this: http://ofmodemsandmen.com/modemconfig.html
AFAIK OpenWrt doesn't provide that detailed modem configuration options, but basic stuff can be configured via the network interface of your modem.
See https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wan/wwan/ethernetoverusb_ncm for example.
i tried install the package but following notice are coming:
Collected errors:
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-usb-net-huawei-cdc-ncm:
* kernel (= 4.9.96-1-a0abcdaec8cdebc19a293868440d35cd) * kernel (= 4.9.96-1-a0abcdaec8cdebc19a293868440d35cd) * kernel (= 4.9.96-1-a0abcdaec8cdebc19a293868440d35cd) * kernel (= 4.9.96-1-a0abcdaec8cdebc19a293868440d35cd) * kernel (= 4.9.96-1-a0abcdaec8cdebc19a293868440d35cd) *
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kmod-usb-net-huawei-cdc-ncm.
The package comgt-ncm is already installed. Now i have to configure a new interface manually?
I assume that you are using a snapshot?
If so if you git commit does not match the one that kmod was built for you will get that error and you will be unable to install it.
Simply upgrade to latest snapshot and then install it
yes, i installed the snapshot. i have download http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/targets/ar71xx/generic/openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-wr902ac-v1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin and tried to flash new fw. i believe that the installation works not fine. how can i check the new version?
hello all, after reinstall luci the packages are installed. now i have many problems to configure the USB-Modem. https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/recipes/ethernetoverusb_ncm
Which settings are to do? Could you please help me?