today I wanted to use my mi 3G v1 router again.
Openwrt 19.07 was installed. I try to upgrade, but to router brick...
So I want to recover with uart /usb.
I plug all the things.
I use putty to connect via com 7.
I see the booting process and press 2.
It ask me ip adress for router ( then for tftp server (
then the name of file to transfer : kernel0.bin.
I then press enter, but it writes loading : T T T ..
And few seconds later it says timeout.
In fact I don't know how to setup the computer and what to do with the kernel0.bin file I downloaded.
I try to use TFTP_server, but I don't know how to use it.
I put the kernel0.bin file in programmdata/winagents/tftp_server/
But it do not work.
Can some one take 5 minutes to explain me how to do ?
PS : I unplug my computer from internet. I put a manual ip adress But still same error.
Now, i've got a new problem :
I managed to install the router, but I can't install it in xiaomi home application.
So my router is not linked to my account and therefore I do not have access to root password in my xiaomi account.
Since you have control of the uboot console (someone must have done the bootdelay patch) you don't have to go through stock firmware. RAM boot the initramfs OpenWrt and use it to install the sysupgrade. That is done by getting a console prompt using option 4. Have the initramfs firmware (from the snapshots directory) on your TFTP server. tftpboot 0x81000000 file.bin
The file will transfer. Nothing is changed in the flash, the file stays in RAM. bootm 0x81000000
OpenWrt will start. This is a version running in RAM that will be erased on the next reboot. So you next need to scp the sysupgrade OpenWrt (a release version) to the /tmp directory and use the sysupgrade command to install it to flash.
On the openwrt website, i don't find any snapshot for xiaomi router 3g ...
I find kernel, kernel 1 rootfs and sysupgrade
Then where do I write this ??? tftpboot 0x81000000 file.bin
Sorry, but I have to understand wht I have to do.
Thank you.
PS : I try something.
I plug my laptop and the Xiaomi router on a switch with rj45 cable. Set ip adress to for the laptop.
Put the file
ifound openwrt ramips for 7621.bin in the directory to be transfer. I rename it kernel.bin
With option 4, when
i write tftpboot 0x81000000 kernel.bin, nothing happens, the file is not transfering !!!!
Fu###ng xiaomi router !!! Why can't I just have the ssh password !!! Just have to link the router in xiaomi app but it fails !!! saying it is surely allready linked, but I dissociated it. Now I'm blocked.
You are off the instructions, you are being given a command to boot OpenWrt - you simply have to calm down and lean to TFTP just like before and boot it.