Nevermind, batman didn't actually work(I didn't test VLANs with it), batctl n
didn't show anything because batctl-tiny
was installed isntead of batctl-default
.. but at least the native mesh is working, I think I will open a new post for that specific problem(batman).
It does work, I will update the docs as to how to do it with the new DSA, but it works with VLANs which is awesome!
Essentially you create bat0
and any interface that will serve bat0
, with the proto batadv_hardif
just like in the docs, the only difference is when you specify how to bridge the VLANs.
Simply follow the docs on how to establish an initial mesh, configure bat0 and its secondary interface(with proto 'batadv_hardif'
), make sure batctl n
works(you don't get messages about bat0 being disabled or no output whatsoever).
Secondary inteface in `/etc/config/network`
config interface 'nwi_mesh0'
option mtu '2304'
option proto 'batadv_hardif'
option master 'bat0'
in `/etc/config/network`, add the bat0 VLAN interfaces to your lan network and make sure to set VLANs(driver level ones) for your desired networks
in /etc/config/network
, add the bat0 VLAN interfaces to your lan network and make sure to set VLANs(driver level ones) for your desired networks:
config device
option name 'br-lan'
option type 'bridge'
list ports 'lan1'
list ports 'lan2'
list ports 'lan3'
list ports 'lan4'
list ports 'bat0.1' # batman VLAN 1
list ports 'bat0.2' # batman VLAN 2
option stp '1'
option igmp_snooping '1'
option ipv6 '0'
option mtu '2304'
# Driver level VLAN 1
config bridge-vlan
option device 'br-lan'
option vlan '1'
list ports 'lan1'
list ports 'lan2'
list ports 'lan3'
list ports 'lan4'
list ports 'bat0.1' # batman VLAN 1 is bridged with Ethernet ports
# Driver level VLAN 2
config bridge-vlan
option device 'br-lan'
option vlan '2'
list ports 'bat0.2' # batman VLAN 2
config interface 'lan'
option device 'br-lan.1' # Driver level VLAN 1
option proto 'static'
option ipaddr ''
option netmask ''
list dns ''
option delegate '0'
option force_link 'yes' # required for static proto
config interface 'guest'
option device 'br-lan.2' # Driver level VLAN 2
option proto 'static'
option ipaddr ''
option netmask ''
list dns ''
option delegate '0'
option force_link 'yes' # required for static proto
Use one of your working mesh points and point them to the "hard" bat0 interface
config wifi-iface 'mesh1'
option network 'nwi_mesh0' # for the batman interface in /etc/config/network
option device 'radio1' # your radio
option mode 'mesh'
option mesh_id 'mymesh'
option mesh_fwding '0' # for BATMAN to work
option encryption 'sae' # WPA-3 or 'none' for no encryption
option key 'spiderman_is_peter_parker'
The 2nd node is pretty much the same, the only difference is using a different IP for the lan
and guest
networks, let's say
for VLAN 1 and
for VLAN 2.