I aquired an MR52 last year and flashed it with OpenWRT (without having prior tested it under the Meraki OS). I had problems with the 5GHz radio - seemed unable to receive though it was strongly visible from a client wifi scan.
I thought it was a power supply issue because switching from PoE to a dedicated 12v PSU seemed to get things working. That was, it seems, a fluke/coincidence as 5G stopped working correctly shortly after.
I put it away but recently tried again. Lo & behold it seemed to be working reliably. Then after 12 hours in use, the 5GHz radio issue returned and I can't get it working, despite powering off and allowing to cool down. This time, I'd installed collectd so had some temperature readings:
Is this likely an overheating issue? What are the typical maximum/safe temps for the 5G radio?
One wifi shut down, there should be something in logread.