We are using MT7628 based SKYLAB EVB , we want to build the latest 17.01.4 LEDE-master from LEDE github for "MediaTek MT7628 EVB" as Target Profile. But we are not able find "MediaTek MT7628 EVB" in make menuconfig as target Profile. Can anybody help in providing the steps to build the image for MT7628 EVB? We were able to build images for MT7628EVB using 17.01.2, 17.01.4 TAG(old commits based on 4.4.7x kernel), but not from 17.01.4 with commit ID 74a0d8c(latest) .
We want to build the latest image out of 17.01.4 (with latest commit) for MediaTek Mt7628 EVB with the latest WiFi drivers .