Make, debug options


I have hunted around for this, but no luck. If a build fails, there is a note about using -j1 (that makes sense!), and V=s or V=sc to debug. It works, but ... what does this mean exactly? I have tried to find it, but no luck. Just not sure what all the options are (for V in particular).


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I've seen V=99 as well and wondered the same

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Sorry, it was rude to just dump a URL. I know I find it irritating when I see it.

However. While I'm excited for your exuberance for OpenWrt, that took maybe 40 seconds to find.

Googling openwrt V=sc led to which led to the URL I provided you.

Again, I applaud that you want to learn, but you need to start looking for answers first in the community and online. Neither one of you is new :wink:


No worries (URL only) ... and apologies. I really did try that (exact) search. No idea how I missed it, but I won't try to say I didn't ... cuz clearly I did!


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Idle curiosity in my case, never a burning desire to understand it. The opportunity to pile my question onto this one was there so i took it :wink: thanks for the link.

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