Would be nice to have option in default Network Diagnostics to be able to specify interface. Now it is default/best match. I got number of situations where I deal with overlapping private IPs where I need to select exact interface I ping or traceroute from. That is option "-I" for ping and "-i" for traceroute. (interestingly, this is case sensitive and different for each command).
Now to do that I have to login through SSH or add TTYd to the setup, to type whole command with options.
I had no need to use name lookup from specific interfaces but I can imagine the situation is the same.
Would be nice to have additional single drop down in LuCI for network diagnostics where interface can be selected for all commands, with default behaviour just like always was.
There are custom commands for that.
Well, that is a collection of pre-configured commands. For troubleshooting this saves no time as I may use each string only once, I can type it into terminal directly instead of typing then saving then calling it with this dashboard.
Selecting one of existing interfaces on original network diagnostics page would save time doing network specific pings and avoid installation of additional package, no matter how small it is. That selection would be one line in LuCI's HTML and half dozen lines in the code, to add this option string to the ping command.
I can do it all from terminal but thought it would be more convenient to have it right with origina ping tool.
Which package do I need to install in order to use this?
I only guess that Trendy refers to " luci-app-commands".
I am asking to make interface selection available on default ping/trace LuCI page, without installing any additional packages.