Luci offline install

Hello I am trying to install luci in the EA8300 that uses a snapshot.
My internet its by wireless only and when I share the wifi with the lan, the lan ipv4 changes to fixed what makes connection timed out when i try to ssh
If i put other ip like fixed i have ssh connection at but fails to download when I do opkg update.
With automatic ip same thing.

So I though to make a offline install like says here but something wrong in there because I don't find any listed packages to install from the package repository link that's there.
Also the instructions don't say how i tell him witch folder its the files to be uploaded.

What should I do? How I will install Luci?

Installing LuCI offline is difficult because there are a number of dependent packages which must also be installed.

Instead get the Internet connection working. It appears that the network you are connecting to uses addresses in the 192.168.1.X range. To use this as the WAN you need to change your LAN IP to a different range.

In /etc/config/network:

  • change the lan option ipaddr to
  • Remove any ethernet ports (any option ifname lines) from the wan. Wan needs to be an empty interface with proto dhcp. You will then attach a wifi client to it to gain Internet access.

In /etc/config/wireless:

  • comment out or remove or change to 0 the disabled option from the radio you're going to use.
  • create a wifi STA (ordinary STA not WDS). Note that this STA is connected to the internal wan network. So the router will be a "routed client."
config wifi-iface 'uplink'
	option device radio0
	option network wan
	option mode sta
	option ssid 'NETWORK ID'
	option encryption 'psk2'
	option key 'PSK KEY'

Then reboot or run /etc/config/network restart. Note that you will need to make your PC re-DHCP and then use your SSH client to connect to the new address, You should then be able to ping internet sites and run opkg update and opkg install luci

Another approach, if you do this a lot (and who doesn't these days) is to configure a spare router as a routed client of the wifi you have access to. Then you can just plug a new router to it with an Ethernet cable and be online.


Or would you just be able to temporarily connect Internet cable to the LAN. This should just works!


Cool explication but how its done in the Windows?

The second approach dont makes sense to me. I have to get a router able to connect to PEAP or get a router able to catch a open web over here but weaker signal, to be able to install Luci? I will need to get a router to do what i bought the EA8300 for...

You mean from the modem to the EA8300? I don't have access to the modem, I just have wireless web.

If your own LAN subnet is adjusted so that it doesn’t overlap with the wireless you’re connecting to, you can configure your OpenWrt box to have its “WAN” be a client of that wireless.

Another, easier option might be to use Windows to”share” its wireless over Ethernet and plug that cable into a “stock” OpenWrt WAN. “Might” only because I don’t know if Windows can do that. Then you can install LuCI and travelmate and configure the rest much more easily.

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Its not win 10 but its almost same way to do it and i already have had made that. Result its in the first post.

Please read carefully on how to connect your router to a shared Internet connection. WAN and LAN are entirely different things


No it was

I gave a try in Lubuntu but dont have config folder inside etc. What Linux its that?
I used nm-connection-editor but just have ssh access, cant download yet.

Open port 22 on the firewall so then you can make ssh connections through the WAN port.

In /etc/config/firewall:

config rule
    option name 'Allow-SSH'
    option src wan
    option dest_port 22
    option proto tcp
    option target ACCEPT

Then connect your shared output from the PC to the WAN. Determine the router's assigned IP address on the PC sharing network (should be in the PC log) then ssh to the router from the PC.

Remove this rule for security when you connect to a public WAN.

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In windows, i made like says here, in other page says> any user on LAN who wants to access the shared internet has to take up IP’s like, maybe its this?

But how i will share by wan?

I don’t know how to be much clearer

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Im now in Lubuntu with show hidden files/folders on.

No config folder inside etc folder.

This is on the router. If you want to log into the router from the WAN side-- the "Internet" port-- (which you would need to do when you only have one PC-- its Ethernet is connected to the WAN of the router and its wifi is connected to the ISP network) you need to open the firewall on the router.

So first connect to the LAN side, configure the router firewall, then disconnect from there, start up connection sharing on the PC, and connect the PC to the WAN.

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I did connect the cable to ethernet and to where says internet , in this last,, nothing of good happened. Its that you are talking about?

I open all its needed but how? On the router I just know how to change password by ssh. I did look for a comand list to who dont uses Luci but can not find that

Its that using ssh? How do I see the router inside with ssh access? Whats the comand to see the ditectorys and files inside?

Who uses only CLI how they install repositorys etc?

Most advanced users use the CLI extensively. The only thing I use LuCI for are the status screens especially the traffic graph.

The CLI is standard Linux, specifically the ash shell. It has been the same for 25 years.

All you need to know at this point is that vi can be used to edit a file. vi is the only editor built into a snapshot build. You know the file name already. Type vi /etc/config/firewall to open the firewall config file. vi is a weird program that is popular with nerds. It can do a lot of stuff but is difficult to learn how to do it. It's in OpenWrt because it doesn't need much flash space.

The crash course in vi is to type 'i' first off, then what you type will change the text on the screen. Use the arrow keys to move around, and backspace to remove text. When you have the text how you want it type the escape key at the top left of your keyboard, then ':' then 'w' and then 'q' and the changed file is saved and it goes back to a command prompt.

Don't worry about cosmetic details like extra blank lines in the file. It will work with them. The command cat will dump a file out to the screen so you can review it.

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x-wrt ( similar to openwrt ) version with LUCI:

i think that ip is by default :

The other vi command I use all the time when I mess up is escape key, then q! at the : in the bottom left to quit without saving my mistakes